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Do You Think Redheads Have Special Powers?

Natural red heads have long been a special fetish niche and in olden days redheads were considered natural born witches, having red hair was akin to having a sign of the devil. What is your opinion? It certainly seems that we are different in ways that go beyond mere hair color. For example, redheads experience pain differently thus it’s my thinking that we may have slightly different genetic coding.

No Responses to “Do You Think Redheads Have Special Powers?”

  1. Anbu Kakashi says:

    Special powers???? ahahaha…no, the difference between redheads and other people is only pigmentation

  2. Bret says:

    I wouldn’t doubt that for a minute. If you think about it, naturally red-haired people are rare. I have a big thing for red-heads – and I know that this will sound strange, but, I love the way red-headed men smell. Just yummy and real foxy, lol! However, back to your question:
    yes, I do think some red-heads have a special something about them. Power? I don’t know, but there is the allure, for sure!

  3. Mark says:

    Yes, Redheads do have “special powers” which I will explain…
    First of all, I am a White Male (with black hair) married to a redhead woman who I love and find endlessly fascinating and challenging. Redhead females are VERY passionate and interesting, they are delightfully full of vigor and life. Most men lack the ability to live with or handle a Redhead simply because they lack the art of understanding the nuances that are simply the nature of a Red Head woman.
    I absolutely agree that Red Heads are a different genetic make up than other “species” of humans. In some ways better, in other ways worse off due to a higher sensitivity to UV Radiation causing them to sun burn very easily and possibly obtain skin cancer.
    Redheads are wild, passionate and indeed very much like the devil in many ways but I’ll that that ANY DAY over the other BORING types of women out there.

  4. Иḯ¢σℓℯ Ḿḯᾔṫ™ says:

    No. Just no.

  5. Mike says:

    Yes they do. My darling red haired wife at age 16 put a spell on me. She had the power for me to fall in love with her and no other woman was ever able to do that.
    Married to a red haired wife for 16 years.

  6. ℒ'amour est ℒe chaos says:

    If it was powerful it wouldnt be a receive dna trait. No they dont experience pain different.…
    Im pretty sure they were considered witches because red is associated with fire and freckles they might mistake as a witches mark (which doesnt exist of course).
    sounds like youre just trying to make yourself feel special. Better keep an eye on you, you could be the next Hitler.


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