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What Can You Realistically Do With A Degree In Advertising?

I’m going to UNF here in Florida, they aren’t that great of a school when it comes to business and public relations, they tend to focus more on health related majors. I’m taking basic classes right now and I haven’t chosen my major, but I do know that I’d like something that has to do with business, advertising, or marketing.
I have plans to transfer to University of Central Florida as they are overall a better school for my niche and also it’s not here at home, so I’ll have a chance to have a real college experience as opposed to living at home and driving to a school I don’t care much about.
That aside, if I were to pursue a B.S. in Advertising / PR what can you realistically do and what kind of income can you expect with such a degree? I’m sure that the ranges vary, but I would like a general idea. I believe that I am a very creative person, especially aesthetically and textually, but I do not want an arts degree or graphic design degree. I would like to make a bit over $85,000 a year in hopefully 10-15 years out in the field. However, I’d be lying to say that I wouldn’t like to make more.
If I were to follow the advertising / marketing route, what are some potentially high salary jobs that also allow a bit of creativity?
Thanks, I hope I wasn’t too vague or naive about this.

No Responses to “What Can You Realistically Do With A Degree In Advertising?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    For a creative person, the sky is the limit. Just don’t rest on your laurels and there is nothing to prevent you from breaking into the advertising field. As someone fresh out of college, you’ll bring a lot of cutting edge insights to the table. If you’re willing to invest the time and the hard work, there is nothing to stop you from earning $100,000 a year 10-15 years from now, if you actively pursue the field and are willing to move to where the money is at. My advice though is to learn to be satisfied with a lot less, and you’ll always feel like you come out on top, but there is nothing wrong with aiming for the stars. Just don’t forget to pay it forward.
    Creativity is in high demand everywhere, but be sure to temper it with plenty of practical knowledge. All you need is a healthy dose of confidence and a sound work ethic.

  2. Anonymous says:

    these days you cant do much with an advertising degree. the market is over saturated.


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