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Why Didn’t President Obama Do This?

When President Obama was creating his stimulus package why didn’t he go the direction President Roosevelt went and pass legislation to create jobs? He could have rebuilt our infrastructure which is depleting. Doing this creates jobs and benefits the entire nation. He could have invested in clean energy and other eco-freindly things that would have also created jobs as well as cut our dependency on foreign oil and with our niche of unprecedented innovation, America could have created the next big thing which would then raise revenue and not only benefited us but the world as a whole.
Why wasn’t this done? It seems logical.

No Responses to “Why Didn’t President Obama Do This?”

  1. Dumbledo says:

    Because the teleprompter told him not to.

  2. Tony says:

    because he wants to destroy america

  3. greenie says:

    What did you expect from a president with a resume thinner than the average/common business man. He’s clueless and along with his advisers

  4. Paul Jackson says:

    He proposed all of that. Conservatives don’t like those programs and several Democrats in congress are fairly Conservative. Republicans detest public sector employment and increasing the size of the government, especially when a Democrat has the executive. The president does very little on his own. Any stimulus plan must get through congress.
    “Why did he just hand money out that we don’t have? He doubled the National Debt.”
    No he didn’t. It’s funny that you are complaining about the national debt while proposing that the government should hire a bunch of workers and do infrastructure projects. Where do you think the money to pay all of those workers will come from?

  5. jaker says:

    Those things are exactly what he did. Just where do you think the money to pay the salaries for all of those “created” jobs comes from? It did exactly what FDR did and it failed just as badly. That just doesn’t work.

  6. Matt Kessler says:

    Like investing in green technology? This is what Spain did and look where they are. There is useful technology out there, but no one wants it, its a dry investment. Its a hole you throw money into and nothing happens. The US last year bought up a bunch of this green tech so that Spain wouldn’t go under, because if they go under the rest of Europe is in a mess because Spain is a larger economy that runs with the eurp-dollar which is regulated and stuff by Germany, but of course you knew this. Spain didn’t make “the next big thing” and they poured money into it and what did they get? Yes building roads and stuff is good, he did spend $800 million on the super train thingy and other things that i will never likely use. Also, like any other politician he is looking at his own agenda and projects. Obama’s goal was the debt and just the debt ceiling to push it till next year. In reality if you take a good history teacher from a decent school, the country would be fixed, but its all these lawyers who use nice little words and your desperation to earn your vote.

  7. Demetri Lee says:

    He didn’t because he’s always trying to please both sides, but what he doesn’t realize is that he’ll never please the Republicans because they can’t and won’t be satisfied. They’ll only be satisfied when his term is over. They won’t work with him because they’re racist and they want this country to suffer. Obama didn’t do a better job because he’s the Republicans’ puppet and he doesn’t think for himself. That’s all it is. What a shame.

  8. ebby08 says:

    Because Obama is a human being who is not perfect and does not have the power to really make things better I don’t care what his intentions are.
    It’s time for people to stop wasting time hoping and wishing in a better democracy. It ain’t gonna happen because humans can become corrupt or overwhelmed with issues that can’t be solved in 4-8 years. We need a higher to power to step in and give mankind what they really need.

  9. Mr. says:

    It’s not that simple. Investing into the clean energy business is a very risky move. Sure, it would create jobs, but it wouldnt create any money. Because no countries are buying eco friendly things, they’re all worrying about their own money. We need something that will make us money and get us out of debt now. The oil problem isnt a “HAS TO BE DONE RIGHT NOW!!!” so they’re pushing it away until it’s too late, just like our debt. Hell, they’re pushing the debt decisions away even now. No matter what obama would have thought of, no one would have listened. Because obama is trying to be a crowd pleaser and make the republicans like him, but they will never listen to anything he says because he’s not in their party. And these tea partiers are probably gonna make another party in congress and make things even worse. The only way anything will get done in America is if the congress is shrunk or if there are no parties. Will never happen however.

  10. dobberx says:

    You need to educate yourself of the American system of government.
    Presidents do not “pass legislation.”
    That’s the work of CONGRESS.
    Since we have far too many Republicans in Congress, little was done to actually help the economy or to create jobs..

  11. Jones Deleon says:

    It’s AMAZINGIt maybe help.


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