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Why On Earth Would Anyone Want To Reintroduce Wolves To Northeastern States?

The Northeastern states canine type predator niche is already filled by the Eastern coyote, which in the Northeast is confirmed to be a wolf coyote hybrid. So with “wolves” already here, why reintroduce them?
The Northeastern coyote, which before the eradication of the Eastern wolf, was not previously in the area, filled the niche vacated by the Eastern wolves. How on Earth would it make any sense to once again disrupt the predator balance?
Even PETA agrees that reintroduction of predators to recovered areas is not a good idea.…
With one of the world’s largest organizations for animal rights and anti-cruelty against this, why would anyone think that reintroduction of an apex predator to a recovered area is appropriate?

No Responses to “Why On Earth Would Anyone Want To Reintroduce Wolves To Northeastern States?”

  1. Bear Crap says:

    Its all about the money. Oh they give us other reason such as to control local populations of deer and such. But there is millions involved here. You it starts with lobbyists in DC who press for the wolves introduction in an area and they are encouraged by special interest groups and some from the state involved. Once they give the ok money is allocated for this effort. Several million goes to the state agencies such as the DNR or fish and game, millions more go to federal agencies who will be involved. And you would be surprised who they are. Did you know the department of agriculture kills wolves? They sure do!……
    You see the feds know wolves will create a problem in an area so they allow the killing of them by the department of agriculture.
    So the feds gets cash, the state gets cash, the wolves populate and then the feds kill some. Sounds like job security to me! They get money to create a problem and then money to address the problem they created!
    Don’t try to find logic or reason with PETA. They were upset the President of the USA killed a fly on television and sent him little live capture devices so he could catch them and release them. They are nuts.
    Also if they worry about killing a fly how would they feel about wolves ripping apart cute furry animals?

  2. Flyingpi says:

    I’ll tell you what I do know, they’re not going to hang around for long.
    The east is already very developed with housing and farmland. The animals we already have here are kind of squished together. You add wolves to that mix, and all heck is going to break loose.
    The moment these wolves start poaching livestock, pets and endangering people, farmers are going to grab their rifles and fight back whether whatever moron who decided this was a good idea likes it or not.

  3. The Prophet says:

    Animal nor planet earth merit human rights. Rights go hand and hand with responsibility. Neither an animal nor mother nature can agree to obey our laws so neither can they prosper of our rights. We are however as humans given the responsibility of both the animal kingdom and planet earth. There east and west and right and left should be able to find a common ground in which to set our laws and govern to the benefit of all.

  4. acmerave says:

    Not only should wolves be reintroduced but grizzly bears also. The people back east felt they should be reintroduced here in montana; they are so nice to have around it is only fair they should spread the same joy and happiness back east where they originally came from. Central park would benefit greatly from their presence.

  5. Dances With Mops 2 - Mop Bucket says:

    Some people apparently think that it’s possible, and necessary, to turn back time to the period before Europeans started walking on the North American continent. That’s what a college education, divorced from reality, gets you.

  6. ken says:

    for one, PETA is a bunch of jackasses. You reintroduce a predator because it naturally occurred there. The nature that you see isn’t how it was intended. Look at yellow stone. After they reintroduced the wolf trees that hadn’t been seen in a century started sprouting. Why? the wolves kept the elk on the ridges, allowing for this type of tree to grow again.
    The forests in america aren’t healthy, and LACK of predators is a big reason why. In california native california bunch grass is nearly extinct, all the grass you see is invasive spanish grass. this has lead to a surge in the rodent population, coupled with a lack of predators to keep the rodents in check, made it so no new oak trees are growing in california. As in no new OAK trees at all, because squirrels eat the acorns, deer eat the saplings. Then due to the firefighting efforts of the past century, our forests are over crowded with trees, leading to rampant disease and firestorms that rage for months, instead of the slow cool burning grass fires that we used to get.

  7. Joey says:

    excuse me miss, i don’t know i you realized this, but humans, wolves, coyotes, worms, we all share one earth, and we as the dominant species, need to protect the earth from ourselves. the fact of the matter is that wolves were there before your ancestors, so you will just have to live with it. We are the stewards of the earth, its time we start acting like it.


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