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Why Is The Federal Reserve Bad?

Don’t they back our money? Aren’t they affiliated with the US government? Communism?

No Responses to “Why Is The Federal Reserve Bad?”

  1. Canadian Student says:

    No No No
    They are a private company that has control of our money supply and economy.
    Think our elected leaders are bad? These people have a lot of power and we have no say in who they are.

  2. The Rise of Labour says:

    The Federal Reserve isn’t bad at all, but people like Rupert Murdoch would prefer to let private firms have greater control over the money supply and the Federal Reserve prevents that. Mutton-heads who watch FOX News believe whatever their told and are too ignorant of economics to realize that Gold can be revalued just as easily as a printed currency.

  3. Mr. Rational Thinking says:

    Tax revenue hasn’t been this low since the 1950’s, and most of that is because the Republican Party continues to grant lower tax rates to the super-rich. As long as the Republican Party continues to give the country’s richest everything they want, the Federal Reserve will always be bad.

  4. endangered species says:

    Because they are parasitic middlemen who cause massive inflation and use the interest to fund the new world order. The fed is owned and operated by off shore jews.

  5. scott b says:

    They aren’t.

  6. Musashi says:

    Well I could go into a long lenghty answer for you but I’ll stop at “affiliated with the US government”.

  7. zuma says:

    It’s a Con-Artist crook that doesn’t believe in the Federal reserve.

  8. MARK B says:

    ‘reserve’ is the key word, but they cannot fix this debt ceiling problem.

  9. The Resistance says:

    theres no hot asian chicks on it

  10. Gop History says:



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