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Are My Cousin And I Really Bad Role Models?

Okay, my cousin Arnie and I are part of a really big family. So, obviously there are little niches of people who hang out with eachother. My cousin is 1 year older than me, and we both were hanging out with our little cousins Frankie and Nicky who are 12 and 13 respectively. Well, I was driving in my car, and this guy cut me off on the interstate, so I called him a jagoff. Also, Arnie frequently uses the f word. I know it isnt exactly polite, but its just something that we have picked up over the years, and we dont use the words out of hatred or anything. We’re still good people, give to charity and volunteer, go to Church everything. But we both have potty mouths. I personally dont think it is a big deal, but I dont want my aunt bitching us out for weeks for this. Thanks

No Responses to “Are My Cousin And I Really Bad Role Models?”

  1. Burt's Bees says:

    Not the best language to use in general. People who swear & talk deragatory just come off as trashy and less intelligent in general, so remember that.
    When it comes to your cousins, I don’t think it’s a very huge deal, they’re 12 and 13, not under 5 or even 10 years of age. They’ve heard worse. But yes, you should lead by example. You want them to grow up and sound more intelligent and respectful than you guys, right? Maybe start a swear jar or something if you want to break the habit.

  2. Alex says:

    lol im always getting in trouble over my language but my grandparents, parents and family have gotten used to it like every second word with me is a f or some other cuss word – i dont even realize i’m doing it.
    But funnily enough i picked it up off my cousin when he was driving – bad road rager
    i dont think its a big deal – just words

  3. slightly says:

    Your Aunt is correct, and you should always listen to your aunt, and I can’t believe you would tell the internet about our personal issues!

  4. ZeeMigno says:

    If you want to be a good example to them, you should start to try not to swear a lot, otherwise they are going to think it is OK for them to since you and your cousin are doing it.


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