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Is This Considered Fraud?

I used to work for a non-profit that was affiliated with the water district of my local county. My job was to go door to door asking the people im the list to fill out a survey. We were told that we had to fill a certain number of surveys per day. Recently I was fired because they called some people and they claim they never took a survey. I admit that I did falsify some of the answers to meet my daily goal, but not very often. My question is, can I be sued for fraud by the non profit I worked with, the water district, or the people whose surveys were forged? They were not asked to sign anything or show id when they took the survey. They were on the list because they are registered voters. Ive learned my lesson but im hoping getting fired is the only consequence.

No Responses to “Is This Considered Fraud?”

  1. Rina says:

    you might be sued, but more likely not than yes. Just be wary. You did get fired and most companies will just stop it at that. YOu might want to call the customers and apologize for forging thier information to meet you daily quota.

  2. Shivi says:

    Not sure about the legal implications, but I think it is unlikely that the organisation would go to the expenses of pursuing you for this, so getting fired will probably be the only consequence.

  3. Continue says:

    No paper work no sue! Government job?oh,non Signature again hell no! Don’t worry,it’s really a shitty thing they ask you t0 d0 in s0 many hour & s0 many Sig’s!Assholes they are…They should be lucky you don’t find something t0 sue them with!
    Add~It’s n0 doubt f0rg0tten by the ppl…let sleeping d0gs lie! It’s not like y0u did a felony relax,ur g00d~

  4. Bob B says:

    I find it pretty unlikely that you would be sued. Even if you were sued and lost, it’s unlikely that the damages would be sufficient to justify doing so (i.e. it would cost them quite a bit to sue you, and they probably wouldn’t get enough money out of it for it to be worthwhile). Also, if the case got out and people heard about it, it would probably result in quite a bit of bad publicity for the employer.
    Take this as a warning- if you do the wrong thing, you will be found out and there will be consequences. You’re probably in the clear as far as legal action is concerned, but you might not be so lucky next time.


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