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Can You Help Me Understand How This Was Possible,how These Opportunity’s Can Come True For The Lucky By Power?

of thought and intention?Hi i put this in this category ha well as i think this is where it belongs and i don’t know much about new age stuff and would love your thoughts.I will make a long story as short as possible,for a few years now one of my dreams was always to buy some land in california and maybe build on it,i would endlessly search for good deals but it was not possible for me as prices there are enormous for land as much as a big house there so i never got to do that.
Now i was at a dinner party friday and this woman i knew as a acquaintance was there,we got talking as she had just come back from traveling the world on Buddhist,new age,and yoga retreats and seminars for opening up your psychic mind{i know i barely held my laughter in}But it looks like this stuff made her dream life come true somehow,she was telling me she just came back from california,i said oh i have always wanted to buy a place there but could never afford it,she said really i am just after buying land in malibu and some other coastal areas,and a house with a ranch,I said oh my goodness that must have been hundreds of thousands if not millions,as these are coveted areas,she said no actually i paid extremely below market value and got everything very reasonably.
I was shocked and said how was that possible,she answered by saying that she wanted this before she went there and that she put her vibration vibes out to the universe,ha laughter again} and that is what i did i laughed at her and said are you serious,she said by the energy and like attracts like i guess the secret or something,she was able to create these opportunity’s and the rite circumstances that ultimately led her to have all this.
The wealthy people who owned the land and ranch,she said just liked her and all she was about,and she told them she was going to use the land for yoga/buddhist stuff for people to come and meditate there,and that she wanted a secluded place with a ranch to settle down and live in like a healing sanctury or something and have horses as therapy for people,so the people ended up selling her the land and ranch and house for practically nothing,I dont understand i mean who does that?
She puts it down to what you think can come true and become reality if you believe,and putting that thought and energy ‘out there’ brought this to her,i must admit it made me sick to listen to it thank goodness i had wine to help numb the pain of that,that evening ha,What are your thoughts/views on how she made the impossible happen,I am very perplexed by this..Thanks in advance

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  1. Mel says:

    It’s the power of positive thinking. It’s basic psychology: there’s nothing mystical about it.
    If you ask any successful person what was the very first thing they had to do in order to become successful, they will tell you they had to have a dream. The absolute next thing they had to do was to believe their dream could come true.
    When we talk to ourselves, we listen. If we say bad things to ourselves (like a 110 pound girl saying she’s fat), those things will come true through simple pyschological self-sabotage. The first thing you know, that girl is going to see a candy bar and say to herself, “I’m already fat. It doesn’t matter if I eat that candy.” Then she will start skipping her workouts for the same reason. Eventually, she will be fat. Negative self-talk does that to us.
    If we say good things to ourselves, just the opposite will happen. We will start to take steps that will lead us in a positive direction. Take a look at Queen Latifa. Most people would say she is very beautiful…even though she is over weight. You can bet your bottom dollar that this beautiful woman gets up every day and, in some way, says to herself “I am beautiful.” And because she knows this, she puts on makeup that accents her features, does her hair, wears nice clothes, projects a positive attitude….and the world sees her as beautiful.
    That same principle applies to anything you want to do in this life. If you tell yourself positive things, you will believe them (eventually), and you will start to act in such a way as to make those things true.
    Not closely related enough to your dream of owning some land in California? Take a page from my book. I’m in my early 40’s and have never owned anything worth having. But I have a dream of owning my own home one day. I have a very specific home in mind that, in my current circumstances, I would never be able to afford. I could tell myself “I’ll never have that.” but why? That would stop me in my tracks. Instead, I continue to dream. I even talk out loud about the house I will own some day. I went back to college and am halfway through an engineering degree. In two more years, I will be able to find a job that will allow me to afford a nice house. I also started looking at my current finances and prioritizing where my money should go (a positive trait for any homeowner). And, I project a positive attitude. That is for *my* benefit, not for those around me. It keeps me moving forward. I believed in the dream and automatically started taking steps that would allow me to achieve it.
    It’s basic psychology. Projecting positive thoughts is not going to make us millionaires, but it will give us the motivation to work toward it ourselves. So, look at what you need to do in order to afford that home in California. Keep the dream alive and take the steps necessary to achieve it.

  2. eri says:

    She just got lucky (or perhaps scammed) but all the new-age stuff she credited is a load of crap. The Secret doesn’t work. It’s simply a superstition – the idea that wishing hard enough for something will make it happen. It won’t. You have to go out and make things happen through your actions.

  3. Pachuko5 says:

    Wow… that is interesting! Hold on LMFAO… I had to laugh too!!! =D
    Well, I do believe in a spiritual realm that most of us can’t see there are a special few (and not special as in mentally challenged.) I do believe there are two different type of spirits Angels (Good guys) and Demons(Bad guys) pretty reasonable so far, right?
    Honestly, I believe both sides have the power to influence other people and I have heard of people such as missionaries who go to other countries and they need transportation and someone gives them a vehicle for free as well. Missionaries of course are not recieving this gifts for personal gain or use but to help others and for that reason alone they get help from angels to persue others to donate this things to the missionaries.
    On the other hand demons will be persuesive for personal and evil intentions. With that said no telling what kind of entity is helping this girl get what she wanted but from my point of view I just honestly don’t think it good entity backing her up.
    Hope this helps to clear some of your doughts some! =)

  4. Bruce Wayne says:

    The person who voted Mel down is a complete idiot. Mel up there knows what’s going on. YOU CAN attract certain situations to yourself. Thoughts become things. So if you think that thinking positive won’t get you anywhere, then it won’t. Simple as that.
    I’m only 15, and I caught on to this stuff early on. For the last couple years I’ve been dreaming over having a macbook pro. I was just a teen who sometimes got $20 for chores, how would I ever get a Macbook?! Well, at this age, I already had a loose grip on the power of thought. So I took some simple steps, sort of as an experiment to see if this positive thinking thing really worked. So everyday I imagined in my head that I was typing on a Macbook. I imagined every detail of it. I imagined how I felt with this macbook on my lap. I told my self “I have a macbook pro” almost everyday. Whenever I was bored, I thought about the macbook.
    3 months ago I was at a family party, nothing much. But my aunt and uncle both own macbooks. And out of the blue my uncle asked me if I wanted his old macbook since he got a new one. I was gobsmacked! It was completely random and unexpected. I said yes of course and thanked him numerous times.
    So as you can see, the power of thought is, well, powerful. In this case, not much action was required, but in some cases you’ll have to jump through a few more hoops than I did. But this is serious stuff. Simple stuff. Easy to do. We are the smartest species on this planet, we can do so much more than we even know. So right now, I’m typing this answer on that very macbook I imagined. THOUGHTS BECOME REALITY. And I am so grateful that I understand that, and so young too.


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