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What Will Happen If You Lie During Interrogation?

Okay !
Pretend that Person A shot a guy and Person B was probably a accessory to the murder. After a altercation with a man at a night club. Person A and B drove over to the other guy’s house that was affiliated with the altercation. Person A shoots a shot into the house and someone is hit and dies.
Now, Person B didn’t shoot and the detectives knows that from witnesses that say they seen Person A with a gun that night at two different locations.
Person B tell detectives that he seen no gun that night at all. But says that YES person A shot the gun into the house that night. ” But person B said that because he really didn’t know what he was facing and was a bit nervous of the outcome.
Person A denies all aallegationsand is being charged with 2nd degree murder.
If the case goes to trial and none of the wwitnessesshow up to say that Yes I seen Person A with the gun what will happen.
If Person B shows up and changes his story saying that he said that because he felt frighten and scared what will happen.
Will the detectives have enough evidence to charge either man.
No evidence, Gun Powder, Nor Shell Casings or fingerprints.
What could the outcome be to this?

No Responses to “What Will Happen If You Lie During Interrogation?”

  1. Big One 0909 says:

    The Casey Anthony trial is over, and the ONLY thing she was found guilty of IS Lying!
    Lying to the cops is Illegal. Refusing to answer is NOT.
    Always just say that you have nothing to say.


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