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Why Do Republicans Create A Great Depression And Blame It On Obama?

Republicans controlled the entire govt for 6 years and created a disaster which they blame on Obama.
Between Jan 20, 2001-2009…under Bush’s policies of deregulation, lax regulation enforcement, corporate welfare and a 15% tax rate on stock profits for wealthy people:
Gasoline tripled from 1.44 to 4.11 per gallon (peaked July 2008)
Unemployment skyrocketed 80% from 4.2% to 7.6%…8.2% Obama’s first full month
Dow Jones stock market plunged 25% from 10,587 to 7,949
Budget went from a 236 billion surplus to a 1.3 TRILLION deficit (a 1.5 trillion drop)
National debt doubled from 5.7 trillion to 10.6 trillion (a 4.9 trillion increase)
Borrowed 2.5 trillion for tax cuts for mostly wealthy people
Borrowed a trillion dollars for two fake wars (all hijackers were from saudi arabia)
Borrowed a trillion dollars for Medicare part D which outlawed govt bulk discounts
Trillions in secret Federal Reserve loans to prop up wall street
Economy losing 700,000 jobs monthly – unemployment rate growing 1% every 6 weeks
Economy in total freefall
This is called “common sense conservative government”
Obama inherited a total disaster and it will not be fixed overnight
(feel free to re-post these facts and PROTECT AMERICA FROM REPUBLICANS)

No Responses to “Why Do Republicans Create A Great Depression And Blame It On Obama?”

  1. Mr Wolf (I block no one) says:

    Everybody had a hand in creating this last recession. It was a snow ball that everybody pushed down the hill until it was too big to handle. Both Democrats and Republicans.
    Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
    Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
    Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
    Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
    Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.

  2. polariso says:

    You obviouslly have been out of work for awhile comrade..or are you working for the Dingle Barry campaign Jobs, Inflation, Fuel prices 2 more wars in the middle east Bye BYE Barry 2012

  3. Yep says:

    Liberals controlled both Houses from 2007-2011 with super majorities and the entire govt from 2009-2011. Things have gotten markedly WORSE under the idiocy of liberalism, hypocrite entitlement monkey.

  4. The Anti Swag Man Reborn says:

    things didnt really go downhill with the economy until the Dumbocrats took control of Congress
    and if u didnt notice, the country has been at war… irrespective of the fact u think its ‘fake wars’
    Obama inherited a bad situation…. and has made it worse
    put that in your messiah pipe and smoke it

  5. Wizard09 says:

    Because that has been their plan since Reagan.…

  6. Roboron 2012 says:

    That’s the way they stay in power.
    Destroy the country, make it impossible for the Democrat to fix it and get re-elected by supporters that have a gnats memory.

  7. willjoes says:

    Look here. Barack Obama has been in office since 2009. He also had control of the House and Senate. During that time they passed failed policies that lead to our 9.1% unemployment and 4 dollar gas.

  8. Spock (rhp) says:

    Community Reinvestment Act was given teeth by whom?
    who was President when Glass-Stegall was repealed?
    Which man was President when subprime loans started becoming part o fthe FNMA, etc. portfolio [on which there are a further estimated $250 billion in losses].

  9. That Guy Drew says:

    It really doesn’t have much to do with Republicans or Democrats. The recession was caused by bad business ethics and unethical leaders, and in a free-market, democratic system, elected officials can only be as good as the people that elected them, and business leaders can only be as good as their customers. Americans have to get it together, or our country will fall apart. We have to quit being divisive, calling names, and screwing each other over in any and every way we can legally get by with. We have to abandon this “profit at any cost” form of unbridled capitalism. We have to quit all this cowardly finger-pointing nonsense. We have to be accountable for our own actions and our own decisions and realize that this bad economy is OUR fault (not this guy’s fault or that guy’s fault), or we will never recover.

  10. Smarter than you says:

    Bushes fault!!!
    He lied people died!!!
    Obama is just trying to fix Bushes mess!!!


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