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So Why Is Scott Walker Against Unions In Wisconsin?

Public sector employee contracts are written by the union and rubber-stamped by Democrats — and the taxpayers only find out years later that public school teachers are allowed to get a full year’s pay for 30 days’ work over three years after they retire — as is the case in Green Bay, Wis., where one out of every 12 teachers retired this year to take advantage of the “emeritus” scam.
This is what all the commotion is about in Wisconsin. Republican Gov. Scott Walker isn’t even trying to eliminate collective bargaining for government workers’ salaries. He only wants to eliminate collective bargaining over their conditions of employment, which has led to massive inefficiencies.
Thanks to union grievance procedures, the union representing school crossing guards filed a formal complaint over a sweet old man volunteering to get the kids across the street in Wausau, Wis. Warren Eschenbach, an 86-year-old retiree, had been volunteering each morning as a crossing guard at a school near his home. But according to the union, only a highly paid government employee should be permitted to do that job.
Fifth-grader Megan Sichterman, told WAOW, an ABC affiliate, “I was really sad because all the kids really like him. He’s really nice to everybody, and I was kind of scared at the same time that we wouldn’t see him on the corner anymore.”
Even in the middle of the battle over collective bargaining rights for government unions, the snowplow operators’ union filed a grievance against Racine, Wis., to demand paid days off for snowplow operators … after a snowstorm.
After a massive storm shut down the city for two days, snowplow operators thought they deserved two paid days off on account of all the snow, like other government employees got.
The snowplowers’ union also filed a grievance against the city for hiring private plowing services to help with the snow removal. Perhaps it was that troublemaker Warren Eschenbach showing up with a snow shovel and volunteering to help clear the streets.
No government snowplow operators were laid off and plenty of them worked overtime after the blizzard — but the union thought Racine should remain immobilized by snow for a week so that government snowplow operators could get even more overtime.
In the private sector, a company that capitulated to such ludicrous union demands would go out of business

No Responses to “So Why Is Scott Walker Against Unions In Wisconsin?”

  1. Food Fight says:

    The strategy is to split the vast middle and working class — pitting unionized workers against nonunionized, public-sector workers against nonpublic, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers convincing them these programs will not be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class. Each portion of the middle class demanding that the other live with less ignoring who benefits from lower wages.
    By splitting working America along these lines, The few want Americans to believe that we can no longer afford to do what we need to do as a nation. They hope to deflect attention from the increasing share of total income 22% just 11 years ago and wealth going to the richest 1 percent being 52% today while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish.

  2. BHO Sucks! says:

    Didn’t read all that. Walker isn’t against Unions, he is against unions for public employees.

  3. isurvive says:

    LOL. There’s nothing like business blaming unions for their poor business management skills and their inability to run a successful business. Some business owners are just failures under a capitalist system. Don’t blame unions for your mismanagement of your company.

  4. mister says:

    Because if scott walker brings down peoples wages the Koch brothers get even richer. If you ever seen the movie “the grapes of wrath” you can see where they want america to be. They might as well be dictators
    its all about Absolute power.
    Once this is all over if they had there way (which will not happen in this case) the koch brothers will either give him a lucrative job or just send him on his way. Hopefully the latter.

  5. jelesais says:

    I’m not sure he is, but the unionized media say he is.

  6. lana_san says:

    There is a snow plowers union??? Damn, that state is screwed up…

  7. WallyZ says:

    I didn’t read all of your post but the answer is that Scott Walker is a republicant and wants to dictate to the state and local workers. Unions give the workers a better footing to negotiate with management. But the key point is that since the workers are middle class, they are more often democrats. Since the union members are democrats, the Unions often are democratic or at least support the politicians that support union and middle class issues. That means that the Unions usually support democrats, not republicans. The republicans want to protect their base, big business and their donations, and want to destroy the democratic biggest source of campaign funds, the unions. It is just that simple. z


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