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Why Do Websites Ask A Website To Sell On Their Site?

I want to sell some design templates on web, but why do the websites who offer this affiliate earnings do ask for our own website and its details?

No Responses to “Why Do Websites Ask A Website To Sell On Their Site?”

  1. swapnali says:

    I hope u know the world’s population! if everybody thinks this way then think of a traffic of that company’s website who is offering you affliliate program. there are trillions of people have “n” number of Ideas at every corner of the world.

  2. Corsley Maxwell says:

    Sometimes in life, stuff happens, and people need money to get them out of a sticky situation. We operate in a global marketplace and reasons for needing money can be many and varied. It can be as simple as putting food on the table to paying for your kid’s dental work. Not everyone likes to admit they’re going through tough times, but sometimes, people just need the money.

  3. Sabrina Toss says:

    Once you search locally with no success you might want to try and search simply for a buyer looking for a website. This could be a web entrepreneur that sees the potential in your site or simply someone interested in running a website and would prefer to buy one rather then build from scratch. Obviously with this method you are going to have to do more explaining if the potential buyer doesn’t understand your industry and even worse if they don’t understand website hosting at all you will have a lot of technical training to do if they buy it. You will also need a really good sales pitch and the numbers (financial details) will count for a lot more since that might be the only part of your web business the buyer will understand.


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