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Are Americans Who Call President Obama A Communist Just A Bunch Of Crazies And Kooks?

Are these people just a bunch of right-wing fringe elements who’d call any U.S. President affiliated with the Democratic Party “communist”, or are they sane, rational, mainstream, patriotic Americans?

No Responses to “Are Americans Who Call President Obama A Communist Just A Bunch Of Crazies And Kooks?”

  1. Bob GThe return of says:

    I imagine there are some of both. There is some validity to their claim but some do get a little carried away.

  2. Space_ne says:

    They have no idea what they are talking about.
    Take this from an actual communist. Obama is NOT even close to supporting communist ideology.

  3. Vive la Pierre! says:

    He appointed some known marxist to his administration. That is a fact and you can that however you please.

  4. Right-wing nutjob says:

    They’re not all that wacko, you can see where that belief comes from. Look at some of the people he’s appointed to his administration and people tied to his past.

  5. Joe in texas says:

    Redistribution of wealth hmmm sounds socialist to me.
    If your government is powerfull enough to take what you have and give it to someone else then you are no longer free.

  6. a says:

    communist lol how many americans still cant get medical attention because their too poor ? if its patriotic run round demanding a birth certificate calling the president a fcommie practiclly causing the govt to collapse letting the 9/11 guy off just to be difficuilt and being morally outraged at the prospect of of some kid whose been born in poverty getting healthcare for free then by god their patriots

  7. Texas Libertarian says:

    Not everyone affiliated with the Democrat Party are pure Marxist, but there are definite and recognizable elements of it. Some Democrats are so Marxist that they would have done well in the old Soviet Union.

  8. Ratz says:

    Kooks, paranoid nuts, and liars.

  9. Yeah, Butt says:

    Nope. Just wrong. He’s a self-centered snob.

  10. Thalia says:

    If you define communism that loosely, then you could say that Reagan lost the Cold War to the Soviets and all of Europe is now communist.
    I don’t think you should confuse parties on the left of center in a democracy with authoritarian communism.


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