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What Are My Rights With Selling My Home, When My Partner Dont Want To?she Been Renting It Out Behind My Back?

My dad died 2 years agol i was left his home. Worth 90,000. My sister was left it as well. My sister is a greedy person, and went behind my back, and rented it out, for 600.00 a month, to her daughter. I did not know this until tonight, when I went there to try and sell this house. ITS been on the market 2 years. I have no income. I want to sell this house, free and clear. Obvisously, my sister does not, as shes been making 600 dollars a month off of it, without telling me about it.
I want to sell it, Id sell it for very cheap- which is awful, because its a very nice home. I just need money,due to the economy.
what can I do? What are my rights? Does she have to sell? Should I go to the court house.
p.s I live in Maryland. If that matters. Allegany co., Maryland.
How can she hide the fact that shes been renting it out? ( to her daughter). there is no written lease. Just a verbal one. A secret one at that.
Any help is so appreciated, believe me.
This all just went down tonight. Someone is calling tomorrow morning, to give me an offer on the home. what can I do?? Help!!!!!
Thanks a Million

No Responses to “What Are My Rights With Selling My Home, When My Partner Dont Want To?she Been Renting It Out Behind My Back?”

  1. rtfm says:

    You BOTH own the home, so you BOTH must agree to sell it. You cannot sell it without her agreement.
    Better cancel that “someone” and tell them the house is not for sale at the present time. Then work something out with your sister.

  2. fire4511 says:

    First of all, both of you own 50% of the property. You both are liable for 1/2 of the property tax, insurance and other upkeep, and you both have the right to 1/2 of any rent that may be collected.
    Both parties will need to sign to sell the property. If one owner wants to sell, and the other does not, then there is a way to have a court order the sale. A partition lawsuit would need to be filed, and the judge would, after seeing the ownership is joint, order the property sold. The party that does not want to sell (in this case your sister) would have the right to buy your ownership interest (for 1/2 the value of the property) or it would be sold and you and she would split the net proceeds.
    You should contact a real estate attorney for more information.

  3. the kid says:

    Step one is sue your sister for half the rent money she has been receiving, as legally it’s yours.
    Sounds like you’ll need to sue her to force a sale, since you can’t sell it without her consent as she is an owner.

  4. Joanna says:

    you both own the home if she wants to have the house then her option is to buy your half so that she owns it all and can rent it out to her daughter still.


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