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Why Doesn’t The Tea Party Repeal The 21 Drinking Age For Everyone?

It’s no secret that the Tea party claims to follow the constitution like a 2nd bible. That being said, why don’t Tea Party Republicans seriously consider repealing the 21 drinking age for everyone (not just members of the military). That would be very consistent with their ideology, since the federal government and the supreme court B S-ed their way around the constitution when the law was passed. Plus, remember that the Tea Party marketed itself as an organization that defends freedom. If they truly defend freedom, then they should be against the government telling legal adults what types of beverages they can have and at what age. What do you say?

No Responses to “Why Doesn’t The Tea Party Repeal The 21 Drinking Age For Everyone?”

  1. One Man Wolfpack says:

    I would hope that they would stick to their message of individual freedoms on this issue.

  2. Alex Tubruton says:

    Because the TEA party people remember what it was like to be underage and immature.

  3. Curtis 1911 says:

    All political parties interpret the constitution differently.
    Now after the TEA party gets rid of the RINO’s and those tax and spend democrats, and stops the deficit spending, obamacare, and public unions, and start the flat tax, then maybe they will look at the drinking age.

  4. Think Outside the Ballot Box says:

    It should be done eventually, but that’s just not really a top priority right now.
    In the meantime, ask one of your older friends to buy it for you, and drink it under the highway like everyone else who is underage.

  5. Libertar says:

    You are a complete idiot.

  6. I NEED A CHANGE says:

    When the Titanic is sinking, rearranging the deck furniture isn’t exactly a priority

  7. parent says:

    I say the lower the drinking age the higher the death toll due to younger drunk drivers. Statistics don’t lie. They have already lowered the drinking age during my life time, it failed.

  8. CrotchIt says:

    you must be 18 yrs old, and it shows.

  9. Brain says:

    Brain development still occurs during the young adult stage.

  10. thegubmi says:

    Drinking ages are up to the individual states to legislate. The Federal Government does not mandate anything about drinking ages, other than a piece of highway funding for states that do make the age 21.
    Want to lower it? Whine to your local legislators, not the feds.
    And, by the way, it was a solidly Democratic effort to get the age increased way back in 1984. Such luminaries as Al Gore, Jr., Tom Lantos, Pat Schroeder, and Toany Coelho were some of the co-sponsors. So, whine to the Democrats to change the federal part, not the Republicans or the Tea Party.

  11. Seiko . says:

    I think they are probably concerned with issues a tad more important than whether someone can experience the joys of a hangover a little earlier in their life.

  12. Picket Man says:

    Yeah. And what about marijuana? How about we legalize that too? Nowhere in the constitution does it say it should be illegal, so I’m surprised how much they are against it. I guess personal freedom only is freedom for the things they like.

  13. JJ says:

    there are 10000 more important issues.

  14. Texas Patriot says:

    I say they have bigger fish to fry right now like out of control spending, intrusive Government and the disrespect for our rights and the Constitution.

  15. John M says:

    They can’t.
    The number of tea party personnel in actual power is not that many, how would they do that ?
    Your little logical excursions are full of supposition, and false premise.

  16. Fu¢k Retardlicans says:

    That’s an issue to tackle when the country isn’t going down the crapper

  17. MyDickIs says:

    they plan to, cuz every good Tea Bagger needs to drunk up those hot congressional male interns
    where’s bob foley and larry craig now that Tea Bags are partying?

  18. Renee says:

    Pipe dream.
    If people were really for freedom from gov’t regulation in our personal lives, they’d be FOR gay marriage, FOR the right to choose, FOR the legalization of all drugs, FOR personal choices and responsibilities.
    Just sayin’


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