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Is Religion Dying In America? What Do You Think?

I don’t think America is becoming more religious. As a college student who knows many people across this country at institutions of higher education, most of them don’t believe in a god. As these younger generations grow up and make it into political office, religion will decline in civilized areas even more. I guarantee I’ll see the first president of this country who puts agnostic (or hopefully atheist) as their religious belief rather than Christian.
According to a 2007 Pew poll, the number of “non-affiliated” Americans was 16.1%, up from 8% just one decade before. This number is nearly 25% in the under 25 age group. And 55% of those who self-identify as “atheists” are under 35. So yes, the trend is that America is getting less religious and more and more young people in particular are turning away from religion.…

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  1. Liver says:

    I think it is, slowly but surely. I know a ton of people who claim to be christians of some sort, but they don’t even follow the teachings, etc. Most people are just scarred of the term atheist because what the churches and media have made them out to be, or they don’t really think about it and just keep whatever label their parents raised them as.

  2. Alexis says:

    Not as quickly as it is dying in other parts of the world, namely Europe, but, yes.
    You will see the trend continue to increase at ever-faster rates over the next several generations.

  3. Leigh B says:

    I hope that they are gradually waking up to realise that believing in myths and legends is silly, and to strive to understand the universe based upon objective observations.

  4. Sam says:

    Religion is on it’s way down, it is only a matter of time until education replaces superstition.

  5. Roy says:

    You haven’t seen anything yet (Revelation 16:16)

  6. princesz says:

    i totally agree with you! Nowadays i see all kinds of disturbing acts! and they say america was built on the bible….

  7. Anonymous says:

    I like American girls. That is all I know.

  8. I'mAmara says:

    If it is, it just isnt dying fast enough.

  9. Steven Lattin says:

    I for sure hope so.

  10. Lara says:

    Nope. Not at all. That’s the perception when you look at the media and films, but they don’t do a good job of representing mainstream American, because most of that comes from our coasts. The interior of America is generally a different culture and it’s a lot of people.
    Yes, I hear what you’re saying about colleges. Colleges have always been a hotbed of atheism. The age group 18-35 has always been the least involved in religion, which may in part be due to the influence of higher education. It’s just a stage of life — that age is always the most sparse in church. It doesn’t last, trust me. I became a Christian at the age of 32. Wisdom comes later in life. ; )

  11. Dirty Parsnips says:

    Well they say the fire burns brightest before it goes out, and yes, there are things that American Christians are historically pioneering. There has never been a generation in recorded human history that took the Bible as a literal book, this generation of Americans seems to. I don’t know why, really a whole other argument.
    But I am seeing a huge rift in society yes. That the ones who do believe, seem to with more conviction and literalism that all of recorded time, and those who do not, are doing so in record numbers. Who will win, maybe we will see yet another civil war in the future.

  12. Peach says:

    Religion in America is not dying, but some Americans are choosing to worship at home instead of at church through their faith in Jesus Christ. Personally, I enjoy worshiping at church, but those who do not, that is their choice. But it does not mean faith is declining in America. Polls continue to show that 97% + of Americans have faith in God.
    We are one nation under God.


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