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Does Changing Majors In College Reflect Badly For Graduate School?

So I recently changed my major, as a sophomore undergrad. They’re both in related fields, and my interests remain the same. Will grad schools count on that as an inconsistency on my part, and will that count against me?
It would be pretty easy for grad schools to tell I changed majors, since I took one niche class required for my old major. Also, I go to a pretty well-known (in academic circles) schools, so the classes in specific majors are well known too.

No Responses to “Does Changing Majors In College Reflect Badly For Graduate School?”

  1. Kate says:

    Undergraduate education is a time to explore different fields of study, so many people change majors. You didn’t specify what masters degree you were looking to get, and that information would be helpful to give a more comprehensive answer.
    However, changing your major should not affect your acceptance to graduate school, which is based on your GPA, personal statement, letters of reference and experience (either paid or volunteer) in the field you are applying for.
    I used to work as a graduate assistant in my university’s admissions department, and led the information sessions for prospective graduate students. This was a question they often asked, and this was the answer I gave them.
    The only time it might raise some eyebrows is if you switched majors three or four times and took many years to complete the degree due to the changes, which might indicate an unsurety about what you want to do. But one switch is not going to affect you negatively in any way, in my opinion.


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