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Do You Smell It? Acrid Smells Coming From Ivy League Universities Smelling Like Demise Of The Us As We Know It?

I’ve been catching wafts of decay on the breeze for a very long time. It seems that the top product of these Universities has not been excellence in academic study, in quite a while, but their priority is a subversion of the US Constitution & individual rights they seem to despise & would rather replace with elitist Oligarchic Rule.
John Maynard Keynes a hero of Harvard University who’s advocated a system using consistent inflation over time explained much when he said that governments’ use of inflation is their secret weapon to destroy the wealth of their citizens.
“Continuous – a continuous process of inflation, governments can confiscate secretly and unobserved an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method, they not only confiscate, but confiscate arbitrarily. And while the process impoverishes many, it will actually enrich some. The process encourages all of the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner that is not – in a manner that not one man in a million can diagnose”
Did you know that every single US Supreme Court Judge is from an Ivy League School? These schools are hyped to be the top schools, yet graduates have demonstrated no great understanding of governance, what they understand best, demonstrated by their behavior, is control & exploitation of the masses. How are Colleges graded? Not by academic acheivement through testing of what’s been learned, but by measures like how much money do Schools have? Ivy League Schools get huge donations, most of which are from doners in Europe & the Middle East. How much money do grads make? There is also a good ol boy system where Ivy League Alumni promote Ivy league grads for good jobs that pay big loads of cash. In turn those Alumni who get preferential treatment in admissions graduate and are given preferences by the graduates of previous years.
The fact is that they are not better schools, no more than Obama is highly intelligent, it’s a perception propagandized through hype. The same way many crappy artists (musicians & actors) are pushed to fame through hype & propaganda. The people believe what they hear over & over from “the important people”. It’s not better schools, it’s a kind of higher class set up. Kind of like Royalty, Oligarchy, which is the progressive goal for the US. It’s the Kings new clothes psychological phenomena of human behavior (like a herd of sheep) in action.
Ivy league schools have been working toward the erosion of our Constitution for hundreds of years. The people need to be aware of this movement, this subversive plot, before it’s too late. We are in the midst of a huge push to topple the Constitution & our system of free markets & free & equal people. What’s happened to the economy was purposeful & planned. Not stupid, not bungling, but it was set up and carried out. As the masses loose, the rich get richer, and may just get enough power to take it all this time.
You have to understand where all this crazy stuff is coming from. It’s not insane, it’s a plan. A plot against you & your country, as you’ve come to know it. Do not trust the government, do not trust “experts” paid by the Government or Universities. Don’t fall for the con that’s going on. Look deep, research wide, and take nothing for granted because the prearranged information is often tainted propaganda. Good Luck : )…

No Responses to “Do You Smell It? Acrid Smells Coming From Ivy League Universities Smelling Like Demise Of The Us As We Know It?”

  1. Trader Will says:

    If you wrote this yourself I think you’re very good. I agree with what you’re saying. When I see what is going on and how the Democrat Party operates I wonder how can they be so incompetent? Or maybe it’s not incompetence.

  2. Loans says:

    I appreciate your thinking and it was actually enjoyable to read what you typed. Keep typing. I may not agree with you but I’m impressed with your seductive twists and turns.

  3. Never gonna give you up says:

    Lay off the crack, troll.
    BTW, the Supreme Court is mostly conservative.

  4. CSA says:

    no it ain’t politics so no smell like this question that is not politics.

  5. Craig says:

    Duh…which way did he go George. which way did he go…Duh!
    Time for your Thorazine shot, sir. There’s a good lad.

  6. West of Encino says:

    No i cant smell a thing.. I have A COLD. But the first answer is making me hungry

  7. Namaste says:

    Time to change your socks, dude!

  8. Katie M says:

    Did poorly on your SATs, did you?

  9. jeble says:

    in the words of gnarls barkley “i think your craaazy”

  10. Carroll says:

    I don’t smell anything. Ae you sure it’s not your own upper lip you’re smelling?

  11. pznbob says:

    I smell it, didn’t know Keynes wasn’t just an idiot though. How much that makes sense, that’s how the Progressives / Fabian Society works.
    LOL looks like the tide chumps are on this like stink on **** … that means you’re on to something. Keep at it.

  12. Dr. Zaius says:

    Well, since it’s been almost a hundred years since the advent of keynesianism.. and back then the average inflation adjusted income was about 7000 dollars and the average life expectancy was about 45… Now, almost a hundred years later, the income is nearing 50,000 dollars and life expectancy is approaching 80.. seems like a pretty good deal.. Just looking at the historical reality I guess.

  13. Jesus Wasn't White says:

    Our judicial system should be run by people like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.
    People who go to good colleges are morons.
    Acrid, indeed, my fellow idiot.


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