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Help With Biology Please?

The competitive exclusion principle states that competition usually results in the establishment of cooperation between two species.
A) True
B) False
A long-term relationship in which both participating species benefit is known as parasitism.
A) True
B) False
The process by which species evolve in response to other living members of their ecosystem is called
A) compromise.
B) parasitism.
C) coevolution.
D) ecology.
An organism’s niche includes
A) what it eats.
B) where it eats.
C) when it eats.
D) All of the above
The relationship between plants and the bees that pollinate them is an example of
A) commensalism.
B) competition.
C) mutualism.
D) parasitism.
When two species compete, the niche that each species ultimately occupies is its
A) competitive niche.
B) realized niche.
C) fundamental niche.
D) exclusive niche.
Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship in which only one party benefits.
A) True
B) False
The number of trophic levels in an ecological pyramid
A) is limitless.
B) is limited by the amount of energy that is lost at each trophic level.
C) never exceeds four.
D) never exceeds three.

No Responses to “Help With Biology Please?”

  1. scar 444 says:

    This iS SPaRtA!!!!!

  2. orlandos says:

    mother fu,cker bitttch

  3. Mr.Biggl says:

    8 false
    9 false
    10 i would guess c
    11 i would guess d
    12 c
    13 i would guess a
    14 false
    15 i would guess a


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