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Atheists: They’re Teaching My Son About Jesus In Daycare. Help?

The daycare says they’re not religiouslt affiliated. My son came home one day and said that they were taught that baby Jesus was born on Christmas. I don’t want my son growing up with religious bullsh*t. I don’t think it’s right that they teach them about Jesus in a daycare. If someone talked about Zeus or Muhammad, everyone’s parents would flip sh*t. What would you do in my situation?
He’s 4 years old by the way. How is it right for a daycare who says they’re nonreligious to tell them about Jesus?
What would you do?

No Responses to “Atheists: They’re Teaching My Son About Jesus In Daycare. Help?”

  1. Wolfnuts says:

    go and tell them to stop

  2. The Least of Jesus' Brothers says:

    Explain your perspective to him.
    People say Jesus was born on Christmas. They also say he came from a magical man in the sky…and he did magic tricks like turning water into wine.
    Have confidence that this story will disappear along with Santa Claus.

  3. Kaine Ritchie says:

    I can see why this worries you, it is a big waste of time, but this will also help your child develop. If he can understand views from other cultures/religions he could go far, that might be quite a while away but he will have to know sooner or later.
    Sorry for the bit of harshness but it is not intended.

  4. Maurog III says:

    Eh, don’t worry about it. At 4 years old let the kid believe in Jesus and Santa.
    In time, he will find out the truth all by himself.

  5. Londron says:

    sue them+change daycare.
    Not that hard to figur out.

  6. Galactus says:

    Complain to the director. I’m sure it is against their policies.

  7. Freak On A Leash says:

    I would either change the daycare or tell them to start teaching about reality and less fairy tales

  8. oldandti says:

    I sure hope you want the child to know how stupid it is to believe in politicians also.

  9. The Baron says:

    Pull him out of that daycare and put him in another. You have that right. It’s called choice. If you feel so inclined you could report it to the department of social services or whatever your area calls it.

  10. Tony says:


  11. Gandalf Again says:

    I’d confront them immediately. If they claim to have no religious affiliation then they should stick to it.

  12. liwmld says:

    well, with your apparent hate for God, i’d switch day cares. and be sure to tell them at your new day care that you hate God in order to be certain they won’t mention the J word around your child.
    good heavens.

  13. fladabos says:

    Call the director of the daycare and tell him you are going to sue him for all of your back tuition if they don’t stop preaching to your children. Then do it if you have to.
    If they advertise that they are not affiliated with religion you have a reasonable right to expect they will not proselytize and to be compensated if they do.

  14. Magic Plastic, Mr. Fantastic says:

    I’m glad your son is learning about Jesus.
    Jesus is real, Mohammed and Zeus are false.

  15. BOB says:

    Perhaps you can take some name tags to the center and have them state the religion of each child. This way, they won’t make the same mistake.

  16. peppygal says:

    I dont think it’s a problem in the sense of learning about other peoples beliefs, as long as its explained alongside evolution, hinduism etc., it will help your child be more educated and tolerant. If they start telling him this is fact contact the education authority.

  17. Tombola says:

    It’s difficult, but while you might not want your child to be religious, the solution isn’t to remove any mention of them. Christmas is coming and your child is going to hear about Jesus, Santa etc. And a lot of the stories capture a child’s imagination.
    The best thing you can do is wait until your child is old enough and talk to him. Explain there are religions, but you don’t believe in them and explain why.
    Being an atheist, to me at least, is about logic and science. But it’s also logical to let people explore their own feelings towards religion and make their own mind up. To force someone into atheism is no better than oppressive religious cults who force their beliefs on people.
    Talk to the daycare centre, explain your concerns. And when your child is old enough to have a discussion about it, approach him then.

  18. Fo.B says:

    don´t worry when in my school they thought about Jesus around Christmas and i just assumed it was a silly story
    note that this was when i still believed in Santa

  19. Tundra Rob says:

    Actually Christmas is the traditional date for the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
    That is not a religious statement, it is a simple historical fact..

  20. Wesley B says:

    Well, some context is in order before one over reacts.
    Were they teaching him the history of the holiday, as in “some people believe that a man name Jesus, who is central to their religion, was born on this day and that is why it is called Christ-mas, or Christ’s Mass. The prevalence of these people in our society is why the holiday is so publicly recognized and celebrated, even by those who don’t believe in the story” or were they trying to influence him into actually having to believe the mythos?
    There’s nothing wrong with knowing facts about things, even when those facts are religious in nature. It would be inexcusable if they tried to push actual spiritual belief, however. I for one want my kids to know why things are and the origins of traditions, even religious ones, because I think it makes them better, more well-rounded people.

  21. peetr says:

    Unfortunately we have a major holiday that is religious in origin and it’s hard not to explain it to a child without bringing up the christian myth that it’s mostly based on. As lame as that is, it seems unavoidable. That being said, you will have an opportunity to celebrate the solstices or other things with him so he knows that a lot of silly stuff is celebrated with spiritual overtones and we all make our own choices about nonsense other people may believe or tell us.

  22. The Truth says:

    Their teaching him to become a Slave!!! to America!!!
    We r all born into boundage!!!SLAVES!!!
    Their conditioning him into American society!!!

  23. XAndrewX PRAY FOR Asia Bibi our says:

    So then you want to isolate your child?
    If you are so certain in your Atheism then you have nothing to fear, but it sounds like you fear your son may think for himself and realize Atheism is empty and false.
    I dont hinder my children from exploring their beliefs, the truth can not be suppressed.
    Peace be with you
    I will pray for you and your son.

  24. tylertxa says:

    find a different daycare

  25. Samantha says:

    It’s not right for them to teach about one religion but at the same time all religions are a part of history. In middle and high school he’ll learn about islam and greek gods and buddhism and all other types of religions.
    Also, someone probably asked about Christmas. Christmas wouldn’t even exist if Christianity didn’t teach that Jesus was born then. I’m assuming you celebrate Christmas, even though it is a religious holiday. It is actually up to your son what he believes. If he grows up to be a Christian, you should let him.

  26. Anthony D says:

    You sound exactly like somebody determined to keep their children away from those gin swilling atheists and their satanic ideas.
    Here is a paragraph from the article linked to below:
    “Something has gone radically wrong with secularism. The problem has more than its share of irony, for secularism, in the end, has converted itself into a kind of religion. Our hallowed tradition of skepticism and tolerance has grown into its near opposite, and it now partakes of precisely the same arrogance, the same irrationality and passion for certainty, the same pretense to unquestioned virtue against which its powers were once arrayed. In the desperate way we cling to belief, in our contempt for those who do not believe what we believe, secularism has, indeed, taken on the trappings of a faith – and a narrow one at that.”

  27. coffee_p says:

    And are you going to complain when they read him green eggs and ham?
    How about How the grinch stole christmas?
    It was a christmas story for a bunch of little kids and you are going to make it a bad day for the other 30 kids because your one kid heard a story???
    “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
    Shall they send him out of the room the next time they chose to read a story that might contain something religious in nature?
    Or are you going to pay extra to hire another teacher to read non religious stories to just your kid??
    My children and every ones children have been short changed on everything all across the board because billy’s mommy does not want him to hear the “G-d” word. But our children are exposed to all kinds of other stories that we did not want but were ignored.
    Do you protect him from germs and dangerous processed foods and meat with such care and concern??

  28. Bethany says:

    They’re not teaching him religion. They’re stating a fact. Religion should not be cussed at and I feel sorry for your child to miss out on a religious childhood. I hope as an adult he realizes the true Christian calling.
    Change daycares if you’re so freaking paranoid.

  29. witcheyp says:

    He could have heard it from the other children, not necessarily the teachers. In a secular world, he’s gonna hear all kinds of stuff you may not agree with, it’s YOUR job to teach him how to filter things. My kids were raised agnostic, and they would come home and ask me about the Jesus story, the Easter story, etc. I took it as my job as their parent to explain that different people believed different things and that was ok as long as everyone treated each other with respect.
    Tell your son that some people believe in Jesus, others do not, and don’t make a big deal out of it. With Christmas coming up, he’s gonna hear this stuff. If you make a big deal out of it, he’ll wonder more about it. Treat it like its not a big deal, he’ll eventually forget about it.

  30. Fireball says:

    say wow this is great…JUNIOR WILL learn something..


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