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If I Have A Good Idea For A Product How Do I Start?

I want to create a product but its affiliated with a company. Example but not my product idea: Say i want to make a pair of Nike sneakers but since NIKE already made sneakers id have to use there company logo for this product. So how do i start up my product and pitch my idea. I feel my product can deff sell in the market but im 25 years old with only $1000 to my name.

No Responses to “If I Have A Good Idea For A Product How Do I Start?”

  1. MarcapPu says:

    Unfortunately with only $1000, is is impossible to launch your own consumer product. Doing so takes at least tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. $1000 is not even enough money to create a prototype or patent your invention. Your only viable option is to approach a company which is already manufacturing products which are of the same type, and hope that they will be interested in your design, and thus pay you a royalties on it. But even that is risky, since without expensive legal support, you would have no way of protecting yourself from someone simply stealing your idea. Sorry, but that is reality. I have been down this road before.
    The cost of obtaining a patent alone in the USA ranges from $5,000 to $10,000, which is why there are many great inventions still sitting on shelves in garages and basements, yet to be “discovered”. Unfortunately without a patent, you have virtually no protection from your idea being stolen. But remember this however…just because you have not yet seen your “idea” on the market, does not mean that you were the first to come up with the idea. Someone else may very well have invented it before you did, and may even have a patent on it. Have you at least done a preliminary patent search so far?


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