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Do You Think China Is Preparing World Domination And Is Obama Helping It A Long?

Example: 97 percent of world supplier of rare earth metals now choked the supply down, becoming a world monetary power through flooding the market while artificially keeping the yuan under valued, military spending escalating at a rate of 20 percent per year, and negotiating with hostile countries giving nuclear secrets e.g. Pakistani reactors. That is the short list. What do you think?

No Responses to “Do You Think China Is Preparing World Domination And Is Obama Helping It A Long?”

  1. Double rainbow Cool says:

    china can’t really go to war with a nuclear nation like the USA because its entire country would be destroyed and nobody would buy any goods from them anymore

  2. Rusty Shackleford says:

    The Chinese have been around for a very long time. They’re wise enough to know that they don’t need to dominate the world: the US, USSR, and Europe have proven to be prime examples as to the downsides of it. Their own country is 1/6 of the Earth’s population, so in the next 100 years, they’ll be on top without firing a shot, unless India gets involved.
    Obama is just giving the Chinese more breathing room. His bailouts are giving more of America’s debt to China, which in turn means that China doesn’t have to worry about serious military provocation from the US anytime soon.

  3. Chest Bump says:

    If they take over the west coast & Alaska as payment for the debt owed to china, then all the social programs, employment special privilege Quota,drilling & other restriction will be null & void, & China can offload their population worries in the west coast.
    People collecting grants, welfare food-stamps will have to work what ever job is available, or else just settle for a bowl of rice a day & Capsule hotel living accommodations. They will also be spayed & Neutered after 1 child specially the deadbeat playas.
    Students in high school & college who aren’t doing any work in school, copy, paste, stealing, alternately skipping exams to get info from other student, & can’t get above a 70 will be kick out of school. Exams will be administered like the post office employment exam.
    Death sentence will be swift & quick, not by an axe, a rope, or guillotine, but with a bullet. Fraud/Corruptions (white collar/blue collar), Armed Robbery, & Grand theft are not exempted.
    In the U.S. a savage criminal can kill more than one person in any shape or form and get away with life. Yet can only be executed by a needle if death is sentence which may take decades wasting tax expenditure.

  4. Haratine Eunuch says:

    This spiel from the country that had it’s whole economy built on the fact that it sat back and bled the world dry selling arms to the rest of the world.
    The economy in the USA was booming during both world wars.
    Please note! The First World War began in 1914 NOT in 1917 as Americans like to believe!
    Please Note! The Second World War began in 1939 NOT 1941 as Americans like to believe!
    Just because the USA is now a waning power don’t blame your problems on the emerging Nations.

  5. Robbie says:

    Well, first of all, Pakistan has had reactors for a LONG time, and they were built by the US. (Note: Pakistan is an American ally)
    Second of all, unless you disagree with free market economics, then the first argument is null and void.
    Third of all, other countries have a currency peg, but i don’t see anyone criticizing them.

  6. Nothing Wrong With Liberals says:

    They spend 60 billion per year on their military. We budgeted 750 billion for next year.

  7. Jesus Say Relax says:

    obama is helping the muslims with world takeover,don’t worry about China alltho it would be interesting to see how they plan on converting all of China to islam

  8. ☑Rep ☐Dem says:

    They can’t even dominate China.

  9. brown950 says:

    No, but they do enjoy the jobs that America used to have.

  10. Candi says:

    Yes & no.

  11. Chris G says:



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