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Can I Get In Trouble In This Fight?

Let’s say hypothetically me and this kid have been giving each other glances and talking trash to each other for a couple of weeks possible maybe like 2 months. If we both agree to meet somewhere like at a friends house and fight and he throws the first punch could either of us get in trouble (like with the law), also what would the differences in the punishments be in the following, one time I come unarmed and beat him badly no broken bones just hurt and bruised, second if I brought a pair of knuckle dusters ( brass knuckles) and really hurt the kid like couple of broken bones. I want to just know (I dont even own a pair of knuckel dusters) cant get them here illegal to even own. Any help appreciated but someone who is affiliated with the law would be best thank you.

No Responses to “Can I Get In Trouble In This Fight?”

  1. hotwheel says:

    yeah you would especially get in trouble if you came prepared with deadly force. if you are both minors your parents would be responsible for his medical bills. if HE threw the first punch you could act as self defense but ONLY to defend. not brutally attack back….

  2. Momperso says:

    Hitting someone is assault. If you are in a gym, with boxing gloves and supervision you would be OK. But just plain brawling is dangerous and you could either get seriously hurt or in trouble with the law. Knuckle Dusters are a weapon, most likely classified as a deadly weapon. If so, depending on your state laws, you could be charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Either you or your opponent could end up hurt, permanently disfigured or crippled and/or in jail. Learn to box.

  3. Conservative not Republican says:

    When I was a kid it was our favorite thing to meet at someones house after school and box. Buy a couple pairs of gloves and go at it.


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