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Does My School Have Any Right To Get Me In Trouble For This?

So here is the story: I logged onto a school website (on my home laptop – no way affiliated with the school) so that I could check what my schedule would be for next year. Unknowingly, I somehow activated my schools web-filtering software on my computer. I closed the tab (and I think the whole browser) when I was done. I then entered into Private Browsing and searched some… adult oriented material. I got a Fortiguard web filtering page that said that the page was blocked due to adult content. i then cleared my computers Temporary Internet Files and cache and stuff using CCleaner and tried again. This time i could go anywhere on the web…
Due to an overwhelming sense of curiosity, I tried it again and got blocked again. I was only after doing researh on Fortiguard that I found out it logs my query and the IP address.
Anyway, my question is: As this apparently gets logged along with the IP address… does my school have any right to get me in trouble for this? Like could I get in trouble, or anything?
It is middle of the summer, on a private computer (my parents bought it, the school has nothing to do with it), off school premises and without my knowledge…
Also, do they have a right to activate the web-filtering without my knowledge or consent? No where on the site does it say that this occurs…

No Responses to “Does My School Have Any Right To Get Me In Trouble For This?”

  1. HighRhym says:

    I don’t think its possible to activate that from the school website on your computer. Because its a program they downloaded and installed on their computers. Also, the “this webpage blocked” would ususally also say the name of your school on it. But if by some fluke this is actually real then just change your I.P address. If you dont kno how to then do a quick google search on “how to change i.p adress”. Hope I helped.


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