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Help Picking The Best Industry To Invest In?

Hi everyone
I would like to get some help to find the best futures industries. I know that is complicated and that everyone is going to say that if was that simple I would be the richest man in the world and bla bla bla. I use a combination of technical and fundamental analysis, most people tell you that you should find the best industries and then the best stocks on the top industries but then, the way that they pick the best industries is too technical and to vague for me. Like in the book “How to make Money in Stocks” that says that picking the right industry is half the return that you would get from a stock and then goes by saying pick the best 50 industries that have the best 6 month Relative Strength, then on a very similar book of Stan Weinstein “Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets” says that you have to do stage analysis base on the 150 week moving average line.
To be honest if the industry that you select is so important I think that booth explanations are a bit simplistic, also I would like to get in the trend a bit before the industry is already over the moon.
I have been trying to find books about this topic without success, also I have search other strategies base more on fundamentals but they are all pure bottom up and they just compare the stocks with the industry and nothing else.
Please heeelllllllpppppppppp

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Where Are These Books Available?

Secrets For Profiting In Bull Or Bear Markets by Stan Weinstein and –
Mastering The Trade by John Carter

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