Tag Archive | "sakura"

A Couple Of Dragonvale Questions? No One Answers So The Best Answer I Promise Will Get Ten Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

1. I bred a plant dragon with a storm dragon both level 10 and it’s 6hrs. What did I get?
2. How do you breed a panlong dragon?
3. How do you breed a sun dragon?
4. How do you breed a bloom dragon? ( I have one but I want one more b4 they’re gone!)
5. How come I can’t find the cherry blossem tree?!?!?!
6. When is the Sakura dragon going to be gone?
7. The dodo dragon was a previously secret one right? Cuz I got one b4 they hit the market!
8. What are some easy ways toget gems w/o paying?( I have 44 and I’m saving for the epic breeding island)
9. This is not a question: u can add me on face book my name is Danielle Finley add me and tell me if u wanna send me gem4gem on mesages, I will do this with three people each wek and then switch and if that is not needed then we can keep sending each other gem4gem!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

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