Tag Archive | "government employees"

Would Government Employees Misuse Surveillance And Inside Info For Personal Gain?

Would government surveillance threaten company trade secrets and recipes. I say this because many have tried to copy, infiltrate, tresspass, buy and franchise our business. What would happen if a conflict of interest between the govt and a company. Would govt surveillance lead to many govt or associate owned businesses. Would many govt employees misuse info for personal gain. How would surveillance influence the free market. Will govt corruption increase with more surveillance.

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So This Is How The 0baamas Are “sacrificing” In These Times Of 3 Million Unemployed?

AS THE US economy endures high unemployment and a jittery stock market, President Barack Obama has preached sacrifice and fiscal discipline. But the pictures coming out of a sun-splashed Spanish resort may be sending a different message.
First lady Michelle Obama is in the midst of a five-day trip to a luxury resort along with a handful of friends, her younger daughter, aides and Secret Service. Her office said the Obamas would pay for personal expenses, but would not reveal the taxpayer cost for the government employees.http://www.theage.com.au/world/while-oba…

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