Tag Archive | "correct printing"

Does Michele Bachmann Have The Right Formula?

She is promising cheap energy. She is correct.Printing money has been tried and has failed. Government stimulus spending has been tried and has failed. Let’s try deregulating the energy sector. It will be a robust job generator! The secret to stimulating our economy is energy not printing money. We have abundant cheap energy here in America. Government regulation is limiting access to these natural resources!
QE2 ended with oil prices peaking @ over 120 a barrel. This extreme price of oil stalled the recovery.
Why then is the Obama administration holding back oil production in America? Reducing regulation on the energy sector would not only create jobs in this specific industry, it would make ALL AMERICAN INDUSTRY more profitable. And consumers would have enhanced spending power. It would be a jobs bonanza and a new raging bull market. This is why Oblunder is finished next year. We can’t afford his rigid ideology in this economy!

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