Tag Archive | "contest"

Want Front Row One Direction Tickets?

want to win front row one direction tickets plus backstage passes? click the link below to enter!!!!
This contest is through Q102 Radio and is not affiliated with me what so ever.

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Is It True That Males, In General, Are Naturally More Competitive Than Females?

Competition in biology, ecology and sociology is a contest between organisms, animals, individuals, groups, etc. for territory, a niche, or a location of resources, for resources and goods, for prestige, recognition and awards, for mates and group or social status, for leadership; it is the opposite of cooperation. It arises whenever at least two parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared or which is desired individually but not in sharing and cooperation. Competition occurs naturally between living organisms which co-exist in the same environment. For example, animals compete over water supplies, food, mates, and other biological resources. Humans compete usually for food and mates, though when these needs are met deep rivalries often arise over the pursuit of wealth, prestige, and fame. Competition is also a major tenet in market economy and business is often associated with competition as most companies are in competition with at least one other firm over the same group of customers, and also competition inside a company is usually stimulatied for meeting and reaching higher quality of services or products that the company produce or develop.

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How Can We Get Our Website Over The Top?

In a Google search for the word “bubblegum” (which at times has brought over 18,000,000 results) our website, bubblegumheaven.com, has made it into the top 20 and has been seemingly stuck there for quite a long time. The question is what can I do to get it into the top 10, which is the goal?
Our website is far and away the best website for actual bubblegum and bubbles on the internet. It was put together by Guinness World Record Holders for blowing the largest bubbles and also the man who has blown the actual biggest bubble ever. It has a lot about the history of bubblegum. It has pictures of the biggest bubbles ever blown. It has a blog. And it has a contest. The BUBBLEGUM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, the greatest bubble blowing contest ever, where the biggest bubbles ever blown in contests have been blown. Ours is not a commercial site that has a passion for some single bubblegum brand above all others, rather it’s one that has no preference for any particular bubblegum, instead it has a passion for bubblegum itself and what that bubblegum can do. There is tons of difference.
Our entire website is totally about the niche, and the niche is the search word. No other website ranked higher than us is remotely like that. Most if not all of them are almost completely NOT about the searchword.
But it’s frustrating because, unlike many keywords, “bubblegum” applies to all kinds of things that are called “bubblegum” but have absolutely nothing to do with the pink stuff you chew. Stuff that is “gumming up the works” for us. Here’s how.
At the time this is written our website is in 14th position. In the five spots above us, there is one page that is part of a huge website that sells candy, with a number of pages with bubblegum items on them for sale. It’s my opinion we should be ranked higher them because I think we have way better bubblegum content, but that’s my opinion and others may disagree. That’s ok.
But the other four spots, boy oh boy. One website is about a surf board wax that has the word “bubblegum” in it’s name. It says “bubblegum” a lot on the website. But other then that, I’m pretty sure there is nothing else on it that has to do with real bubblegum. And it deteriorates rapidly from there.
Another very small site has to do with a computer app called “bubblegum.” It too has nothing to do with real bubblegum, it’s page only mentions “bubblegum” twice and it’s URL has the word “bubblegum” in it.
Another page is about a record album for sale named “Bubblegum” on Amazon.com. It has nothing to do with real bubblegum. But it’s on gigantic Amazon.com, which I’m sure provides a gigantic lift.
Finally, and most galling of all, is a link to a page in a website that is apparently about children’s games. It too of course has totally nothing to do with bubblegum, but, different from the other pages I’ve mentioned, this page doesn’t even have the word bubblegum on it, and IT’S ranked higher then our website!
It just seems to me like Google would save a space for something like our website because it’s the essence of what the search is about, while some of the higher ranking websites are probably irrelevant to a majority of the people will do this search.
So the thing is, is we have to somehow climb over 4 of these 5 websites to find ourselves in the top 10, and they seem like immoveable objects. Does anyone have any ideas we could use that we are not already using to be able to do this (something that goes beyond “get more backlinks”?).

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