Tag Archive | "Billion"

How Can Obama Go To War With Germany, If He Blows 7 Billion Of Our Tax Dollars In Africa?

I think that one War with Germany was enough. Secondly, the 15 billion that Arkansas City Bill Clinton blew in Africa went to Marxist despots and criminal rebels who used the money for drugs, rape, weapons, murder, arson, forced female circumcision and killing of Rhinos and Elephants for the international ivory market.
Germany said on Monday if media reports of large-scale U.S. spying on the European Union were confirmed, it would be unacceptable Cold War-style behaviour between partners who require trust to forge a new transatlantic trade area.
“If it is confirmed that diplomatic representations of the European Union and individual European countries have been spied upon, we will clearly say that bugging friends is unacceptable,” said Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert.
“We are no longer in the Cold War,” he said.
Berlin felt surprised and “alienated” by the reports and had conveyed this to the White House and Merkel would speak to U.S. President Barack Obama directly about the issue soon, he said.
Fury among America’s allies over former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden’s revelations of secret surveillance programmes were exacerbated this weekend by a German magazine report that the NSA had tapped communications at EU offices in Washington, Brussels and at the United Nations.

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