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Why Do Women In Relationships Wear Padded Bras, Lingerie Underwear To Work, Out?

This question is for the ladies. Please try not to get too defensive. I am seeking information here, not trying to disrespect. My ex girlfriend wore them all the time and I wonder what the intention was. She also wore these tiny, sexy little Victoria’s Secret thongs. I’ve read about the bras being worn to make tops fit better and how some women just want to feel good about themselves, but I wonder, does any of that “feeling good about themselves” have to do with enjoying the feeling of being desired by other men? Is there a component to it that does indeed want to attract that kind of attention from men?
Ladies, you must feel quite sexy when you’re wearing these kinds of things. But why do you need or want to feel sexy like that when you’re away from your boyfriend/husband? You say it’s to feel good about yourself, but what if we wore frontally padded thong underwear to augment or enhance our selves, the kind that has a sheath around the shaft and a little fabric sac and nothing else? Doesn’t it stand to reason that if we’re going out like that WITHOUT you, be it to work, or out with our friends, wearing padded lingerie underwear that we’re up to something counter to the relationship?
I know for me, if I FEEL sexy then I am much more aware of myself and everyone else around me sexually. I can’t understand why I would want or feel the need to do that unless I had an intention to appear sexually available or involve myself sexually with others some how. And if I was really totally committed to my girlfriend or wife, I wouldn’t feel the need AT ALL to look or feel sexy when I’m not around her. I don’t want or need that kind of attention because I am off the market and satisfied.
I can understand looking good, as in professional or presentable, well groomed and feeling good about yourself THAT way, but I think there is something wrong with wanting to look sexy, away from your spouse, as a way to make yourself feel good. I would think that if that’s what is going on, then you are either looking to cheat, meet, flirt, or need validation from other men in order to feel good about yourself. All bad things for an exclusive committed relationship.
I’ve thought about this a lot and the whole, “I dress sexy for myself” argument doesn’t wash. WHY do you want, or feel the need, to look and feel sexually attractive away from your boyfriend or husband unless it’s to validate yourself through the sexual desire/attention of other men, or because you have intentions that are outside the boundaries of your current exclusive committed relationship? To me, it’s like if I wore these really tight jeans and stuffed a sock in my pants and went to work and out without my wife or girlfriend and then told her that I did that to feel good about myself or to make my pants fit better. Or I said, “Hey, I’ve always dressed like that, so get over it.” I know I would be lying because there’s no need to do that unless I’m up to something. So how is this different for women? I really don’t buy it. Please help me understand.

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