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Seeing A Pattern With The Middle East..?

Saddam, Qaddafi, and now Al-assad?
Why are so many independent Muslim states being toppled, and why are we americans and the UN in general supported all these uprisings?
I think i am starting to realize the truth, that the Jews who control america are using us to support uprisings and destroy every independent islamic state one by one.
i did some research on the syrian civil war and discovered that we americans support the rebels, who are al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists and mercenary’s.
why would we aid these terrorists? it seems to me the only answer is that the goal for the people at the top is to destroy every independent state that doesn’t agree to the world government, led by the UN.
what are your thoughts on this?

No Responses to “Seeing A Pattern With The Middle East..?”

  1. Question says:

    Put on your tinfoil hat and drop the bong.

  2. Baldric says:

    Nice Anti-Semitic rant.
    It would be more effective if you used proper English.
    Americans don’t and didn’t support any of the “Arab Spring” riots- that was the clown posse occupying Chicago-on-the-Potomac.

  3. railroad dave says:

    the zionists are duping america into financing and fighting THEIR war against muslims for them .

  4. Loreal says:

    Also we overthrew Egyptian President, Mubarik. Democrat leaders are normally against war, yet all these countries regimes are now being overthrown. Obama said on air that he liked President Mubarik and thought he was a good leader, then a few days later Obama said on air well he guesses we should help the rebels (overthrow Mubarik). Both Democrat and Republican parties are FOR these uprisings, they never disagree on this subject on news shows do they? On any big issues they agree. I Agree with you on a “new world order” (Obama stated these words), and led by UN.
    Globalism is the reason, elite globalists are running our country via banks, corporations, media and calling the shots, these wars are huge money makers for corporations and government. Remember when Bush said he wanted to do “nation building”? Telling.
    Syrian people seemed happy with al Assad I thought?, who said in beginning of this conflict that America was sending in Americans as snipers/mercenaries to help the rebels, this rings true. He is ally of Iran, that seems the root problem for Syria.
    I don’t know if all who control America are jews, but because some are doesn’t make it an anti semetic statement. Jews are wonderful people in general. Truth is what it is.


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