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Do You Think The Illuminati Or A Shadow Government Exists?

I’d like to see people’s opinions on this.
Personally I am a believer – there is so much on this planet and universe that we are just not being told. The world seems very corrupt to me and everyone is so controlled by this system that it’s got the point where we couldn’t live without it.
That’s my opinion 🙂 What’s yours?

No Responses to “Do You Think The Illuminati Or A Shadow Government Exists?”

  1. Dubbs says:

    I’m quite certain that it’s real. I’ve been investigating the Illuminati for several years now, and not to sound cocky, but you probably won’t find anyone on yahoo-answers that has done more research on this topic then me.
    Before I get started I’d like to rule out the disinformation theory that many youtube video’s present about it being a satanic sect in the music industry. The music industry is composed of companies that are owned by the Illuminati and these symbols appear in songs because a director put them there, not the celebrity that many people often suggest. Celebrities are simply bound to record companies through contracts.
    The Illuminati started on May 1, 1776, by former Jesuit priest Adam Weishaupt. May 1 is actually an occult holiday known as Beltane (Look it up if you don’t believe me). The objection of this society was to overthrow the Church and Monarchy, but was squashed by the Bavarian government in 1785 after they discovered documentation of this. However in 1782 the Illuminati had formed an alliance with Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad. Up until 1786 Freemasonry only had 25 rites of initiation, but at the Grand Constitutions of 1786, they upped it to 33 degrees, adopting at least 4 Illuminati rites. The Illuminati also had lodges built outside of Bavaria (Beyond the Bavarian authority), but those were converted to Freemason lodges. One quote by Adam Weishupt suggests the Illuminati has lived on: “The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always concealed by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Freemasonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands… By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labors, we may turn the public mind which way we will.”
    This was before the invention of Television and most people back then got their news from reading. By controlling what is distributed to the public for reading consumption, they had a degree of control over what people thought. This same tactic was used to prompt the French Revolution through the writings of Voltaire and Roseau. It’s also a tactic commonly used today in our media.
    Meyer Amschel Rothschild, whose castle estate hosted the Wilhelmsbad meeting, was a a wealthy banker and his son Nathan would go on to become head of the Bank of England by buying out controlling interests through the stock market after spreading a rumor that Napoleon had beat the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo. The Rothschild dynasty would later become heads of the banks of Europe, this family is still in control of the European Central Bank. They were the initial financiers of JD Rockefeller and JP Morgan. It’s actually written in the Congressional Records of Feb. 1917 that Congressman Oscar Calloway stated “the JP Morgan interests bought up 25 of America’s leading newspapers for the purpose of controlling the news in the United States, inserted their own editors and thereafter begin a campaign to control the mainstream media and information that goes to the American people.”
    The Morgan and Rockefeller families are still in control, not only of the media, but the Federal Reserve as well. Many members of these bloodlines constantly become initiates into Freemasonry and other secret societies such as Skull & Bones.
    JD Rockefeller’s most infamous quote was “I want a nation of workers, not a nation of thinkers.” Since the inception of the General Board of Education, Rockefeller and Carnegie were the primary financiers. However the Board ran out of money in 1971 and was subsumed by the Rockefeller Foundation, which now controls the curriculum of the United States school system. The Rockefeller Family are owners of the Standard Oil company, which owned IG Farbin during WWII that was of great Nazi aid. Standard Oil currently owns Exxon, Mobil, BP, Chevron, Shell, Texico, etc. They pretty much monopolized the oil industry. We’re in 2013 and still function off of fossil fuels; even the sun operates off of hydrogen. Inventions like the Water Fuel Cell, which breaks down water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, could be converted into motors running off of water. However this would be devastating to the oil companies.

  2. Nightwol… says:

    There’s no conspiracy in the traditional sense, but the State is certainly not controlled by the public. In the US there is an open system of bribery (aka “lobbying”) that allows large corporations to essentially purchase politicians. Remember that these politicians are neither benevolent nor enlightened; they are selfish, greedy humans like the rest of us. The entire western world is dominated by centralized states owned and controlled by a few immensly wealthy people.

  3. Intellec says:

    Yes – without a doubt.!! The taxpayers being ‘forced’ to continually ‘bail-out’ these Banks and Investment companies is the proof needed. And yet there are ‘still people out there that are in denial’ that the NWO (Illuminati) even exists.
    When the worlds peoples are controlled by the ‘selected few’ (as they are now) whether it be political/financial fraudsters etc….its proof again that the resurrection of the NWO (Illuminati) has indeed happened.
    Its only these over trusting off-the-wall-political-faith-followers with ‘their heads stuck in the sand’ that will disagree.
    The ‘system’ will/has deprived the peoples of their rights….wherever we live in the world – the ‘select few’ do/will control the peoples just as ‘George Orwell’s’ 1948 novel of government + financial + people control forecast….’his’ fictional account has turned full circle.
    The bad news is….its going to get ‘far worse’ in the future….and we should all be afraid….very afraid – but in reality its all too late now….its already happened – and there will be ‘no going back’….the governments/NWO won’t allow that.

  4. David H says:

    No, it is a response by people who find the truth too scary. It is far less scary for them to imagine the world is being taken over by some shadowy cabal of people who know a lot of what is going on than the actual truth; the world is made up of many poorly informed people making bad decisions for what they perceive at that time to be the best course. By refusing to accept this truth it allows the mind to see the events in the world as part of some scheme, this creates what our minds naturally look for, a pattern. This pattern even if it is one built on the idea they are being controlled is far less scary to the mind than the actual chaos that exists.

  5. the c says:

    Not only do I think they do not exist, I KNOW they do not exist and the whole mythology has been thoroghly debunked several times over. Many ostensibly ‘secret societies’ such as the Masons or Skull and Bones obviously ‘exist’, and some perhaps even have influential members that speak regularly and even adhere to common agendas but they are ultimately social clubs, my point being they are not ‘shadow governments’.

  6. nokilleye version 2.0 says:

    There are too many people that have that, “I have to do what I am told” look and actions for some one or some people to not be a controlling shadow. For everything the citizens need or want is given away and our country has been sold. The people that are supposed to work for Americans’ best interest are actually working against us. Ever since before NAFTA, it seems the top agenda for them all is to make a “One World” government. Just saying……………..

  7. grace says:

    Yes i do believe that there is a secret agenda behind the government. Im a bit iffy on whether they are actually satan worshipers or not but i wouldn’t be surprised if they were lol. Just be aware of whats happening and dont let “them” fool you with all this propaganda they spread through the media and stuff. Think smart and everything will be ok 🙂

  8. Teddy says:

    I don’t the illuminati is real, but there are definitely individuals with control of vast sums of money who have more influence than is acceptable in a democracy, and they are essentially beyond the ability of government to control, the best it can seek to do is limit their excesses.

  9. Dr Redthumb says:

    (this is My OPINION) I believe it is ignorant and selfish of anyone to believe they are superior above anybody else in any way. WE have grown up in a society where what’s wrong is right and what’s right is right(if you have money) and have no say if you do not. This country teaches us to shun anybody different (which is why people brave enough to stand up against the government are deemed crazy) but not all people are nuts. The governments been pulling the wool over our eyes for far too long and placing the president as the actual problem…try watching john Lear tells all on YouTube he’s one of the most amazing government conspirator I’ve ever heard…Hope it helped 

  10. Alexande says:

    People can’t keep secrets. The bigger the secret, the harder it is to keep. So. .. I don’t believe in the giant invisible puppetmaster. Maybe there are some sneaky things going on, but not a global conspiracy.
    Then again, there are lots of things that just don’t make sense.

  11. Scott H says:

    I think world banks are controlling countries, not the “illuminati”.

  12. kyle says:

    You have to be an idiot to ignore all the evidence for the illuminati that is scattered everywhere and right in front of your eyes

  13. OLD MAN WITH A BEARD says:

    Yes there is no doubt and all the evidence is hidden in plain sight. I suggest you read ‘Order Out of Chaos’ by Paul Joseph Watson.

  14. Agenda 21 says:

    Maybe shadow but illuminati they died out in the 1780’s

  15. Xtreem Atheist Man says:

    FEMA seems kind of sketchy to me.

  16. Dubyah says:

    Well, there is Builderberg group which holds meeting of the World’s Elite…so tell me.

  17. GOD says:

    does not really matter, though nice to see you have your thinking cap on


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