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Is University Really Worth It?

I would like to study product design but the engineering and 3D side of it all. I have applied for uni and might go come september. I’ve applied for loughborough, bristil, brighton, northunbria and porthsmost.
I’ve tried looking at the pros and cons of it all.
Pros: more experience, meet more people. Another one people say is the night life, but I’m not interetsted in that. I know that when a person goes to uni they can demand respect much quicker than someone who hasn’t and this depends what level you get to.
Cons: it’s a lot of money, might not get a job at the end, too many distractions.
I’d like to start a business in product design engineering and I’m in the process of doing that now, but will I gain all the knowledge I need there or would it be wiser to look for a job in that niche, get the knowledge + experience+get paid? -the Dr or whatever from uni

No Responses to “Is University Really Worth It?”

  1. DavidVR says:

    I would say for the most part, no. Only a few degrees have any real worth, and the ones that do are often very overpriced.

  2. jackie m says:

    Being from the older generation i guarantee you that you need a university degree to get a basic job, last year I was made redundant and in 11 months I applied for over 9000 jobs in admin/finance/retail/legal and I got 3 interviews, I have a list of college certificates and 30 years work experience but the basic job always went to the person with the highest uni degree, employers do not consider that someone with these degrees and no experience will get bored with the job but as there is around 2000 people applying for each job the always choose the highest qualified. My daughter left school with average exam results and went to college but then got married and had kids and over the past 15 years she has done several college courses and has been a senior carer in a nursing home and has NVQ level 1-3 in Health & Social care and wanted to get into uni for a nursing degree and had to do an access course which she already done 15 years ago but has since started uni for a teaching degree – all this has shown my 14 year old grandson that education is important to get on in life and he is a top grade student, as for your question uni is whatever you make of it and it might cost but is worth it in the future, Good Luck


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