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Censorship By Religion?

Is it possible for any religious organization to censor what it’s members read? I’m not talking about countries where the government is one of religious nature and therefore what the religion says the government follows through with it. I’m referring to religious bodies or organizations whether loose knit or close community; could the leaders of the organization actually censor or ban what its’ members read? For instance, where I live there are various organizations affiliated with different religious groups. So can one organization that is affiliated with Hinduism censor what it’s members read? Or can one organization that is affiliated with Christianity, such as Roman Catholicism or Anglicanism censor what it’s members read? I know that religious leaders and organizations can advise against reading such and such. But is it possible that they can implement stricter policies?

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  1. Mrrhmamar the Second says:

    Not in America.

  2. Rocket in my pocket says:

    any books that were removed from the first bible are evidence of christian censorship.

  3. MPH says:

    Yes, they can do whatever their followers allow them to do.

  4. xoxoxoxo says:

    Jehovah’s witnesses forbid their members to read anything against them. Since it can influence their members and turn away from them.

  5. Right is Right says:

    I grew up in the Mormon (LDS) church, and the leaders told people, especially young people what *not* to read/watch all the time. For example, we were told to never read “anti-Mormon” pamphlets or books and to never watch R-rated movies.
    It seems to me that censorship is common in religious communities–it prevents people from questioning too much.

  6. The Lord of Misrule says:

    Of course they can try to, it’s one way for a religious organisation to maintain control over their congregation. It’s down to the individual whether they accept that level of control. Many do.
    If you mean do they have any way of enforcing that censorship, it is down to the normal threats of damnation, etc.

  7. Jesus The Son of God the Messiah says:

    Read Revelations when Bibles will be burned in honor of Lucifer named Satan !

  8. Shafter says:

    The Roman Catholic Church had the Index of Forbidden Literature. Its purpose was to prevent Catholics from reading anything that might cause them to question their faith.
    No church likes anyone–especially within their own rank–writing “negative” literature about them. The latest book of such a genre is “Papal Sin”, written by Garry wills, a history professor at Northwestern University. Wills is a lifelong Roman Catholic.

  9. Unsilenced Lioness says:

    Any religion that censors information has something to hide. If you can be disfellowshipped excommunicated advised shunned or otherwise brought to task for reading information about them then they are practicing ” Information control” one of the warning signs of being involved in a cult.
    When I left the Witnesses and started worshiping at a Baptist church the pastor admonished me to research all beliefs to look at everything to question to analyze their past and history….I was gobsmacked that was the OPPOSITE of what I experienced as being a Jehovah’s Witness
    God Commands us to KEEP testing as to whether we are Worshiping in Spirit and Truth…
    when you Question the Watchtower Society they tell you you are challenging Jehovah and his slave. That is a bunch of garbage.
    The Watchtower Society had an unchristian doctrine and a shady past they do not hold up to close examination and they know it
    IF what you believe is true then no amount of false information will sway you it is the real truth of the Watchtower society that they want to keep you from finding out.

  10. sugarbee says:

    Some might “suggest” that certain reading material should be avoided….but no one can “force” you to do something if it’s your desire to do so; remember, Jehovah dignified all mankind with the choice of free will….how we use that gift is another story. Adam sadly failed!

  11. I love Taylor Swift so much says:

    Catholic is a cult and not a Christian thing


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