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Why Don’t Guys My Age Attract Me At All?

My age preference for men has just been going up and up, and what attracts me often changes. I’m 17 now, and I find myself attracted to men in their mid-forties (or older), and typically professional and intelligent. I’m attracted to a few of the teachers at my school, but none of the students. College guys don’t attract me either. When I was 14, guys maybe 3-5 years older. Now I’m attracted to men up to/more than 30 years older.
I don’t even fully understand why older men attract me. I don’t affiliate with my father much (or at all), but it’s never bothered me, so I wouldn’t say I have ‘daddy issues.’
Also, what do older men think of much younger women? I’m honestly not interested in money or freeloading, but I feel like guys assume that. I’ve only dated a few older men, and even then, the age difference wasn’t anything more than 12 years, and it didn’t quite satisfy me. I actually love the taboo aspect of May to December romances, too. Ugh! I’m just confused. If you can make sense of my rambling, please help me sort this mess in my head!

No Responses to “Why Don’t Guys My Age Attract Me At All?”

  1. evaurs20 says:

    Yeahhhhh you need help sweety

  2. Belina says:

    thats pretty normal i think
    i feel that way about older guys too

  3. Uyojio says:

    Probally because the guys around you act like a$$ holes. When you find a guy that is the same age and acts like a gentlemen you will like him. You just like mature guys and the only ones you see are your teachers.

  4. Puppy says:

    I’d hit it.

  5. Mikaela says:

    you don’t have daddy issues, you just have issues

  6. h. and p. says:

    im not sure why that’s just a preference, some people prefer dogs to, idk. what i can tell you is most men don’t care, and would happy with a much younger woman. it’s finding one that’s not a ******* weirdo that hard

  7. Dezi says:

    I’m into older guys too. I always have been.
    I guess it sort of runs in the family, my stepmother is 19 years younger than my dad. I actually like this one guy, who is 18 years older than me.
    I think it’s perfectly normal, and it may sound cliche but age IS just a number. Of course, if you’re going to engage in a relationship with someone this much older than you, you need to make sure you are absolutely ready.(:
    You don’t want to do anything that might have bad consequences, especially since you aren’t 18 yet.

  8. nice girl says:

    your looking for a mature guy that is as smart as you are thats all maybe the guys that are around your age does not fit your standard of being mature and it is hard to find a guy with a great mind of intelligence around your age that is most likely the reason why your feeling like this try going to a public library or some other place that is full of smart guys your age maybe you will find some interest
    hope this helped!


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