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Has The Tea Party Nation Officially Affiliated Themselves With Al Quaeda Yet Or Are They Just Ideologically?

It’s been well publicized that Osama bin Laden’s primary goal (before he was taken out by Seal Team 6 under orders from the Obama White House) was to bankrupt the United States.
Recently a growing number of articles have been showing up on the Tea Party Nation website and a variety of Right Wing blogs imploring small business owners to lay off all the employees they can and to avoid expanding their businesses at all costs.
Is it surprising to you that members of the Tea Party Nation are now sharing the same exact goals as Al Quaeda?

No Responses to “Has The Tea Party Nation Officially Affiliated Themselves With Al Quaeda Yet Or Are They Just Ideologically?”

  1. Richard Schroth says:

    Where do you get your stupid ideas from?

  2. ellisdee says:

    PROVE IT!!

  3. L.T.M. says:


  4. End of the Trail says:

    They, the KKK, and al Qaeda are very closely aligned thanks to those Koch Brothers and of course the immoral lady from Wasilla that calls herself Governor.

  5. I only allow people that agree w says:

    newell, It must suck to be this stupid, who ties your shoes for you in the morning?

  6. Nonuna says:

    I am not a Tea Party supporter, but I’d like to know where you got your information from. If it’s true, then it is very valuable information. If it isn’t, there are enough people spreading lies and innuendo, and we don’t need any more.

  7. John E says:

    You have no idea.
    A huge number of TEA Party people are people whose involvement in politics previously was :
    VOTING. That was it. No rallies, no debates, just talk around the watercooler, if at all.
    You ignorant liberals have no idea the sleeping giant you woke up with Obama.
    Nothing violent about the tea party. Your analogy is inane. Yeah, you can google the word if you don’t know what it means.

  8. MIKE L says:

    That would be the OWS people they doing damage to property .

  9. BN301 says:

    So Conservatives want to pursue and kill Al Quaeda leaders but they are affiliated with them? In what world does this make sense?

  10. hwinnum says:

    Provide the link to the articles you are referring to. I don’t believe they are legitimate reports.


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