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People With Religion Better Humans Than Those Without?

People affiliated with a religion are smarter in school classes. They are the ones excelling in sports. The atheists just hang around doing what is needed of them. (There are a few atheists that do excel in class and sports)
Whether religions are false or not. Religion could in fact make better humans. Atheists deny this as much as you want but just reflect to the people you went to school with. It does make sense.

No Responses to “People With Religion Better Humans Than Those Without?”

  1. Zombie Crazyfool says:

    Right…prove it!

  2. Janian says:

    There’s actually a lot of evidence to show that atheists (in general) are more intelligent than those who believe in a religion…

  3. Twunt says:


  4. hvjk says:


  5. Creation says:

    Yeah, religion has a long history of encourage academic progress…lol.

  6. Nyx says:

    LoL…I know you mainstream religious guys are great at make believe…but seriously…no

  7. Luthien C says:

    whether or not you have a religion does not determine how intelligent you are.

  8. SC says:

    People affiliated with religions are actually more likely to commit hate crimes, bullying, and getting pregnant or impregnating while in school. Outside of school, they are more likely to commit hate crimes, be on welfare or unemployed, have and transmit STDs, and beat up women and children. Oh and if you look at war crime and other soldiers-gone-crazy stats, yep, people affiliated with religion.
    Fine folks. Favorites of the greatest father figures ever imagined. The proud, the few, the paranoid who STILL think they are persecuted.
    Not all people with religion are this way. Some actually are modest, peaceful, nice, intelligent, non-self-righteous people who don’t act like they are God’s gift and everyone else have been chosen to be damned.

  9. cypher says:

    Dunno about better but certainly more arrogant if you’re anything to go by.

  10. Ingrid's Memory says:

    No, religion just show you believe in a higher power, it is that love for God and all living things that makes you a lovely, caring person.

  11. Chris C says:

    Does this explain why atheistic Communist China won the most Gold medals in the last Olympic; their economy is growing while the US economy is shrinking; and China regularly beats all other countries in the International Mathematics Olympiad?


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