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Which Political Party Should I Be Affiliated With?

I like the Obamacare idea, but am against raising taxes. Actually, I think taxes should be much, much lower. I believe that those who need help should get it. But I can’t stand lazy *** people on welfare who don’t need that money. Dont mooch off the damn government. Haha – anyway, thanks for all good answers!

No Responses to “Which Political Party Should I Be Affiliated With?”

  1. Bob Smith says:

    I think if you knew how Obamacare is designed to destroy our system and economy you wouldn’t like that either.
    Obamacare was written up by the Apollo Alliance ran by then Van Jones the commie and marxist and Jeff Jones Bill Ayers buddy- both from the WEATHER UNDERGROUND TERROR ORG. Its set up to destroy all private health insurance companies so govt takes over all healthcare.

  2. MARK B says:

    You’ve got an identity problem.

  3. Roxanne N says:


  4. George Costanza says:

    everybody but independents are retarted. it turns into the partys fight against eachother instead of fighting for the people.

  5. Patriot Mom says:

    As the old saying goes, You ain’t seen nothing yet! That Obama care that you like so well will not only destroy your health care, it will raise you taxes so high you won’t know what hit you! Moochers will crawl out odf the woodwork for Obamacare… or perhaps just across the border! Oh, they already are! And you’re paying for them already!

  6. Return of Bite My Shiny Metal says:

    Whig party. Those wigs are oh so fashionable. In the end, you’ll be able to do nothing (like our current 2 parties) and still be stylish.

  7. cbspokan says:

    Obamacare was doomed from the outset. The govt can’t even deliver mail without losing money, do you really want them making decisions about your healthcare? it’s now projected to cost between $2-4 Trillion per year. Health care rationing has already begun, and Obama has issued over 2,000 waivers to his buddies. Still sound like a great plan? If its so great, why did Congress exempt themselves from it?
    Anyway, if you believe in higher taxes and bigger govt, or that govt knows better than you do and should make decisions for you, you’d make a great Democrat.
    If you believe in smaller govt, personal responsibility and the free enterprise system, then you’d make a great Republican.
    If you think the govt has no business making decisions about your life and should stick to national defense, then you’re probably a Libertarian.

  8. Twurzz™℠ says:

    So you’re pro-spending and anti-taxes?
    I think you would fit into the unrealistic party… its not doing so well but once we get a president that can tap his heels together and make money appear then it might start looking better


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