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Is The Logical End Result For Evolution The Destruction Of Everything?

Because that’s what man is to nature….the destroyer
He fills no evolutionary niche, he fits no environment, he is not part of any “circle of life” he produces is nothing, consumes everything, and that which would have sustained itself indefinitely (plant and animal Life) is destroyed when he touches it (rain forest)
Is this really the apex of evolution……the destroyer of all things?
Or was man purpose made, and just went to sin?

No Responses to “Is The Logical End Result For Evolution The Destruction Of Everything?”

  1. Mary Lamb says:

    Science section this way

  2. Andrea the Guitar Goddess says:

    When you have a child’s understanding of the world in an adult’s body, you’re a fundamentalist.

  3. zoltar says:

    There is no end result for evolution, it will just continue.

  4. hogzeye says:

    you’re a tool of the highest order

  5. lainiebs says:

    It’s the religious who say that man is the apex of life. Scientists say no such thing.

  6. Vincent K, Atheati Mad Scientist says:

    Evolution doesn’t have a purpose, so possibly, yes. Unless the human species manages to learn not to destroy the entire planet. We’re a species that has adapted to rearrange the environment on a large scale for our own needs; that’s it. Dealing with the unintended consequences of those actions is something we ain’t quite learned yet.
    I fail to see what your point was here.

  7. Maurog III says:

    Man is the environment now. Adapt or die.
    The roaches are surviving just fine I hear, despite Man actively trying to destroy them.

  8. EddieJ says:

    We are supposed to setup colonies on Mars.

  9. ClamCrun says:

    No, not at all. I would think that evolution may lead to beings beyond man that are almost godlike in abilities. As our technology advances, they will have less of an negative impact on the environment – the phase we are in now is temporary.

  10. ows says:

    We may destroy ourselves but life will go on and continue to evolve. No doubt another creature will become sentient and they may or may not destroy themselves

  11. Larry Rasmussen says:

    Potentially, yes.
    We are the first species able to inflict destruction on a planetary level.
    As such, now is the time to take responsibility for our own actions, rather than twiddling our thumbs waiting for an Invisible Space Troll to magically fix it for us.

  12. Colanth says:

    Actually we fill many evolutionary niches, we fit almost all environments, we’re part of the circle of life (that just means that we eat and, if we’re not careful, are eaten), if you don’t think we produce anything, what did you type your question on, a tree?, and animals also destroy animals and plants.
    There’s no “apex” to evolution, it just keeps going, it has no “goal”.
    So your question is, “If I don’t understand this, why doesn’t that prove that God exists?”. The answer is “You evidently can’t understand why it doesn’t.”

  13. Spock says:

    Logical. There must be a end to this theroy called evolution. Either complete destruction or a state of pure energy and limitles boundries… interesting.

  14. No Chance without James Clerk Ma says:

    “Because that’s what man is to nature….the destroyer”
    Not all human societies do this and it’s only a very short time span it’s ever occurred in and hardly representative of how we are with nature in general.
    “He fills no evolutionary niche”
    Apex predator.
    “he fits no environment”
    Fits quite a few of them actually, rainforests to icesheets.
    “he is not part of any “circle of life””
    Tell that to the folks in the rainforests.
    “that which would have sustained itself indefinitely (plant and animal Life) is destroyed when he touches it (rain forest)”
    What are you toking?
    “Is this really the apex of evolution”
    There is no apex to evolution.

  15. House iz in da hizzy! says:

    Evolution is blind. It has no general direction except to survive.

  16. Bara Bara says:

    Destruction is not the end result, after that the new cycle of reconstruction will take place.

  17. Chaz1885 says:

    Evolution is exactly that: An evolving of something. Where has it ever said that it somehow stops and destroy’s everything? It’s rather infinite.
    And we do contribute to nature. We exhale carbon dioxide, which plants need to produce oxygen. Sin or not, how would be have been any different? We still wouldn’t be contributing to the circle of life. We have to kill things to eat, we have to live somewhere, we have to populate.
    Look at it this way: Without sex, humanity could not populate; without meats and animals we would not get enough protien from plants alone and therefore die; Without clothing such as furs we would not be able to survive in harsh weather, and without shelter we would not be able to survive either.
    All your “sins” are in fact essential to the survival of humanity. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.

  18. ChasFact says:

    This is an interesting thought, I would take a crack at it.
    I would say, that man has been twisted more by religion than helped, that Gods words have been bastardized creating this world we now live in.
    The original family of man was love and tribal oneness. Sex was openly practiced and their bodys were not covered in shame, people lived off the land, they all raised the next generation, tribal elders were respected, natural body functions were accepted, and they didn’t live in fear of God, they had a deep love for God and the Earth.
    Religions were formed to heard people, the Devil was created to scare people into following rules made by man in Gods name, they even got men to kill other men in Gods name. Then then went into the small villages and pushed their warped idea on the so called “heathens” they found living in peace all over the globe.
    Now we have rape, because sex is a bad thing, we have theft because things are more important than love, and we have environmental disaster because we are greedy and we waste our resources.
    Man was fine before someone told him he was a sinner. We have been lied to by power hungry groups who have institutionalized GOD.
    Just an idea.

  19. Lynn says:

    No, why would it be? And since you are mentioning the destructive ways of mankind, you might also mention the many many attempts to repair and preserve this planet–also done by mankind. Dont be one-sided and limited. Give due where it is deserved

  20. jacob_v says:

    All if your premises are flawed so your conclusion is not supported. You should try again with an argument that accurately represents evolution.
    Just because I’m such a nice guy let me give you a hint. The phrase “apex of evolution” has literally no meaning at all to anyone who actually understands evolution.

  21. Mr. Obama says:

    “I will destroy all americans!”
    This is Obama and I approve this message.


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