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Open Questions About The World Governments And Societies!?

I’ve came to the conclusion that it isn’t meant for anyone to live comfortably in this lifetime.
However, I know that people and corruption are mostly the reason why I have such a conclusion.
Money, Power, and Greed is a way of life in every society. Growing up adults tell you to work hard, but how can you when there is no work available? How can you work when no one will hire you because of causes that are irrelevant to your capabilities. How can you plan a future when people control it? How can we trust a government when the people continue to suffer in multiple ways and the government and its affiliates sleep without as many or the same worries? Is our success limited? How come the government doesn’t value our point of view the same as those in its office? Are we all less valuable to them? Why can’t we all lead a country equally opposed to having a chosen group that are superior? Does the government really care about us? Is the history of every continent relevant to our existence?
This are just a few questions that I have in which, I already have an opinion to.
I just simply want to hear the answers of anyone who is willing to seriously engage. Please give a personal answer. Also, you don’t have to answer every question.
Thank You to those whom engage seriously and honestly.

No Responses to “Open Questions About The World Governments And Societies!?”

  1. John M says:

    I think you are correct in your concerns that money can buy too much power under our current arrangements. I see the problem as having come from our failure to understand the importance of a free and independent press, constrained from having an economic interest in, or any discernible purpose other than the operation of a free and independent press. Once the source of news is compromised, in our case by the corporations allowed to own too many different sources of news for citizens, the objective of the former news organizations becomes changing the opinion of the public in a way that benefits the owners of the organization or their financial or ideological interests.
    We need to recognize that we are being lied to and misled by the sources we once relied upon to make intelligent choices among the candidates to run our government. If we can do that, by communicating like this, we can provide an economic incentive for honest news organizations to thrive and for people to learn about the fraud that is being perpetrated upon them.
    If we accomplish this, than many of the problems we have with politicians can be overcome, first by voting for campaign finance reform, so that money can no longer buy votes by altering news and bombarding the public with advertisement that contains lies that go unchallenged.
    Please continue to post your concerns and engage your fellow citizens in constructive discussions about providing people with the honest facts, from sources that are not compromised or in bed with the people that profit from a different outcome than our fundamental values would select in the absence of deceit.

  2. Bored Goblin says:

    There is work available in your neighborhood McDonalds and Walmart.
    Failure to complete high school and trouble with law are relevant indicators of your abilities.
    Only you control your future. B/c nobody else cares about you.
    People elect government. If your people suffer under it, you’re too few to matter in elections.
    If you think “we all” can lead the country, try getting 5 of your friends agree on where to go for dinner.


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