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Are Liberals Ashamed Of Themselves For Blaming Every Conservative They Could Think Of When…?

the shooter was an independent Satan worshiper?
Jared Lee Loughner was a registered independent, didn’t vote in 2010 election
By Chris Cillizza
Suspected Tucson gunman Jared Lee Loughner registered as an independent voter in Arizona in the fall of 2006, according to the Pima County Registrar of Voters.
Loughner registered to vote on Sept. 29, 2006, identifying himself as an independent. Records show he voted in the 2006 and 2008 elections but is current listed as “inactive” on the state’s voter roles — meaning that he did not vote in November.
The political affiliations of Loughner, who is being charged by state and federal authorities with the shooting of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) as well as 19 other victims outside a Tucson grocery store on Saturday, have become the subject of a white-hot partisan debate in recent days.
In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, liberals sought to paint Loughner as an anti-government, tea party conservative. Conservatives retorted that Loughner lacked anything close to a coherent political philosophy — a case strengthened by subsequent glimpses into his personal life that suggests someone struggling with mental illness.
Loughner’s decision to affiliate as an independent rather than a Republican or Democrat would seem to affirm the sense that while he targeted Giffords in the attack, it was not a decision born of a set of deeply held political beliefs that fit neatly into either party.

No Responses to “Are Liberals Ashamed Of Themselves For Blaming Every Conservative They Could Think Of When…?”

  1. mattsthe says:

    which liberals?

  2. Law Man says use your Noodle says:

    If you were honest, you would admit that your criticism is valid for both sides.

  3. Dae Lother says:

    All I’ve seen is trolls blaming liberals for what happened.

  4. Gray Blu says:

    Of course not. Liberals are by their nature, never in need of remorse for anything they do.

  5. I'm out to get you says:

    A lot of tea baggers are registered independent.

  6. Willamet says:

    I thought Tea Partiers were exclaiming that they’re a big tent with not Only Republicans but with Independents. Independents can also be conservative. Also, I’m not sure how to answer your question when there’s no mention of demonic worshipping in the article you included.
    You shouldn’t generalize liberals and independents. It adds to the political discourse.

  7. oxpuzlio says:

    Don’t bet on it. By the way of news being reported on the drive-by media, there are plenty of fools in this country–useful idiots.
    Where were all these disgusting, hate-baiting liberals when Bush was called every name in the book. Or when obama said to bring guns to knife fight. Or, when Black Panthers were talking about killing bunch of white babies. Or when the evil Hassan shot all those innocent soldiers at Fort Hood?

  8. gws35 says:

    You mean, like the people who said “Bush is Hitler” and drew cartoons of him being assassinated?…
    A Trip Down Memory Lane…
    A Short Walk Down Memory Hole Lane
    Remember when the rule was, the first person who compares their opponent to a Nazi loses automatically? Why doesn’t that rule apply to Democrats?
    Do you think they are ashamed of that?

  9. Donovan says:

    Just because he’s independent doesn’t mean he’s not conservative.
    You think Conservative and liberal = Republican and Democrat? Wow. You are retarded
    I’m a registered independent liberal.

  10. Draco says:

    Within minutes of the shooting, CNN, NPR and MSNBC were broadcasting not just that the Congresswoman had “DIED”, but engaged in IMMEDIATE analysis, throwing in everything Conservative from Palin, Beck and Fox News, with one “brainiac” Liberal, trying to associate Conservatives with the JFK assassination. The New York Times produced an Editorial laying responsibility on Conservative “interests” and so on and so on, ad nauseum.
    Fact is, the Left in this country have LOST the momentum they had going in with Obama and their “causes” and ideologies are falling as fast as they are brought up. Obama was expected to bring in sweeping socialistic reforms and although he “managed” to get a few, overall he has LOST.
    Answer: You NEVER heard a Liberal express remorse, for the Marxist, Racist, radical anti-American Obama appointed as a Czar, because they “support” those who promote their “causes”. You will NEVER hear in your lifetime, an apology from an individual Liberal or the leftist news organizations who continue even now, to “play the full value” for as long as they can about this tragedy.

  11. Fascist Hunter says:

    According to Fox he’s a right winger.
    Alleged AZ Shooter May Have Links To Pro-White Racist Organization…
    “Fox News has obtained a Department of Homeland Security memo that has compiled information suggesting alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner may have ties to American Renaissance, a pro-white racist organization that publishes an anti-immigration newsletter.
    “No direct connection, but strong suspicion is being directed at American Renaissance, an organization that Loughner mentioned in some of his internet postings and federal law enforcement officials are investigating Loughner’s possible links to the organization. The organization is a monthly publication that promotes a variety of white racial positions.
    “”The group’s ideology is anti government, anti immigration, anti ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), anti Semtic,” according to the memo which goes on to point out that Congressman Giffords is the first Jewish female elected to high office in Arizona. A recent posting on American Renaissance’s website on January 7 begins with an article entitled: “Exit poll: Whites are Different.” The site goes on to list anti-immigration articles. Investigators are also pursuing Loughner’s alleged anti-Semitism.”
    Hmmm… which Party do most Jewish people vote for? Democrats! Which Party was the target/victim? Democratic!
    Which Party do most anti-Semites vote for? Republicans! Which Party hates government? Republicans! Which Party harbors white supremacists? Republicans! Which Party is anti-immigrant? Republicans!
    The guy was a dyed-in-the-wool conservative Republican. Who figured this out? Fox News. Gotta’ love it.
    American Renaissance bills itself as a “a conservative monthly publication.” They advertise the Tea Party “patriotic flags” that we see here used as avatars, of the coiled snake on the yellow background, which you can see on the upper left of their home page.
    Anyway, your first lead brick hint should have been that a Democratic Congresswoman was shot (not a Republican one). Your second lead brick hint should have been that no liberal would list “Mein Kampf” as one of his favorite books. Liberals hate Hitler and most Jewish people vote Democratic. DO try to pay attention to at least the most basic tenents about politics, friend.

  12. iris054 says:

    Don’t even pretend that blame should be equally assigned to both sides or should be heaped on liberals for this tragedy.
    Examples of inflammatory discourse and action from the right abound:
    – During the 2008 presidential campaign, three white supremacists were arrested in Colorado for planning to assassinate then candidate Barack Obama. They had high-powered rifles, bulletproof vests, camouflage clothing, and walkie-talkies.
    – Gas lines being cut at the home of then-Rep. Tom Perriello’s (D-Va.) brother when his address was posted on the Internet (his kids were in the house)
    – Sarah Palin’s crosshairs map and her “Don’t retreat, reload” comment
    – Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) asking her supporters to get ‘armed and dangerous.’
    – Sharron Angle (R) referred to ‘Second Amendment remedies’ as she campaigned to unseat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) in Nevada and said he “needs to be taken out.”
    – On May 31, 2009, a 51-year-old anti-abortion activist, Scott Roeder, shot Dr. George Tiller in the head as he left a Wichita church killing him instantly. According to PolitiFact, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly had mentioned Tiller by name on his show forty-two times, and in twenty-four instances called him “Tiller the Baby Killer.”
    – Ten days later, on June 10, 2009, 89-year-old James von Brunn went to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum with a .22 rifle. He killed a 39-year-old security guard, Stephen Johns, and badly wounded another man. Despite Brunn’s ties to all sorts of far-right white supremacist groups Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Jonah Goldberg all insisted he was a leftist.
    – April 2009, Richard Poplawski sparked a shoot out with Pittsburgh police officers using an AK-47 and wearing a bulletproof vest after posting blogs at the far-right website where he had an account. He killed three officers: Paul Sciullo II, Eric Kelly, and Stephen Mayhle, and wounded two others. He believed that Obama was part of a conspiracy to take Americans’ guns away. One of Poplawski’s posts included a YouTube video link of Fox News host Glenn Beck ranting about the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) readying camps for dissidents.
    – Giffords political opponent Jesse Kelly held an M-16 shooting event he titled, “Help Remove Gabrielle Giffords From Office.”…
    – “Open carry” people showing up at Obama events
    – Health care town hall disruptions
    – Racist attacks against the first African-American president
    – And now on Saturday, January 2011, a sitting member of the House of Representatives and a federal judge are gunned down at a friendly public gathering.

  13. my samy says:

    how’s that shame working out for you

  14. Shane says:

    I think both sides should be ashamed, honestly, I’ve seen more than enough Right wingers calling him a Liberal, and a Lefty whenever they get the chance. I’ve been speculative, because I wasn’t sure, and I withheld judgment until his voting record came out. To be fair, both sides have done their finger pointing, and they’re both wrong, so they should both shut up.


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