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Armored Debt Center Scam..does Anyone Have Advice?

I have been a single mom for 9 years. I was using several credit cards for things we needed and actually was doing well making payments until the credit card companies began to increase their interest rates and amounts owed per month. My credit score was perfect. I never missed a payment. I began to be unable to pay what I owed due to increased monthly demands from the credit card companies. I spoke to a representative from Armored Debt Center who convinced me that they would settle my debts for amounts less than I owed, therefore giving me a chance to get out of credit card debt altogether and I agreed to pay $658 per month for them to do so. It seemed like the right thing to do for me and my family’s future. I have put a lot of effort into making that payment every month starting last October. Armored Debt Center told me not to answer calls from my creditors and sent me a script to basically get off the phone without telling them anything. I followed this advice. They tell you to tell the debt collectors that they are only to communicate with you in writing and then you are to fax everything to Armored Debt Center. When the first credit card company took me to court, I followed Armored Debt Center’s instructions to go to a particular website and retrieve documents to fill out. It was a website that anybody could have googled, not affiliated with Armored Debt Center. It was difficult to figure out what I needed to put on the documents that were to be sent to the court. At one point, I called Armored Debt Center and was told that they “cannot give legal advice” so I was left to figure things out on my own. I was told by Armored Debt Center not to worry, that this was part of the process. I filed everything the website suggested with the court. Prior to my court date, I called Armored Debt Center and was told nothing more than, “Don’t sign anything”. Judgement was awarded for the full amount, plus interest, plus court costs to the credit card company. I continued to keep in contact with Armored Debt Center and fax them everything that was sent to me. It would take up to several weeks for them to call me just to state that they received my fax. They have a well-rehearsed spiel that they give on a continued basis stating that “This is a process. Don’t worry. Keep faxing us documents sent to you. Don‘t give any information to debt collectors when they call you. Use your script. No further action is needed at this time.” They led me to believe that they would be settling with the debt collector “after my next payment”. This went on for several months with no settlement. Armored Debt Center did not settle my $3644 debt with the very first credit card company that filed, after a full 12 months of payments at $658 per month. I had given them $7896 of hard-earned money and they had not settled anything. Every time I would call, I would get the same run-around, rehearsed speech and be coerced into continuing the program. I would explain that other credit card companies were getting ready to take me to court. Now, the court has allowed the debt collector to garnish my wages by 25%. Because Armored Debt Center failed to settle with the first credit card company to take me to court and my wages are being garnished, I no longer have hopes of being able to get myself out of debt because I don’t have any extra money to give to a debt settlement company, or to save on my own, for such a purpose. At this time, my 3 other credit card companies have indeed initiated taking me to court and I have summons for those now.
I spoke to a representative at Armored Debt Center, Mark, about what had happened and that their debt settlement program had failed miserably. I called Armor Debt Center to ask for my money back for a program that had failed. He eventually said that he would give me back my “reserves” which was $3138 but they would not refund their “service” fees which were $4530. When asked what services they had provided for $4530, Mark stated “education”.. Education on a program that did not work, that did not do me any good whatsoever, and in fact got my wages garnished and ruined my credit. My “education” was a script on how to get off the phone with debt collectors and what website to go to to fill out paperwork to send to court that anybody could have accessed. Upon further pleading with Mark, he stated that they would refund 3 to 4 payments. By the end of the conversation, however, he was saying 2 to 3 payments. Therefore, Armored Debt Center was intending to keep $3398. I received an e-mail today asking me to sign a form stating that I will accept $1132 back from them, which is only 2 payments and indeed would award them $3398 for doing nothing that benefited me. I have been so stressed out, I’ve nearly made myself sick. I have heard that there has been a law passed to safeguard people from these debt relief scams. I have not yet had a chance to find out the specifics.

No Responses to “Armored Debt Center Scam..does Anyone Have Advice?”

  1. bert f says:

    If you google Armoured Debt Center, there are a lot of hits promoting the company. Add Amoured Debt Center + Scam, and there are a lot of “beware” “run away” postings.
    If you are stuck in there system, from the brief reading about their system, they let debt run to 90 days on your cards, then make minimum payments. This does not absolve you of any liability, if any of your credi card providors decide to close your account and get their money back, Armoured Debt are not liable.
    I’m sorry, you need professional legal advice on this, and also a long discussion with your bank and credit card providors. There will be no easy way out.
    I suggest talking to your bank first, then finding a good accountant who is prepared to help you through this.
    John Delaney

  2. CatDad says:

    I (and other regulars like BDancer) spend a great deal of time on this board trying to warn people against the dangers of debt settlement/consolidation firms. These firms have feel good ads which give the impression that your creditors will gladly work with them. You found out the hard way that they won’t. Deliberately defaulting on credit cards is dangerous move to make and if the effort fails, you can be sued. What’s worse is that they take their fees out first. If they are refusing to give you an adequate refund, then tell them that you will file complaints with: their local BBB office…and the state Attorney General of both your state and the state that they are located in…as well as filing an online complaint on This is about the most powerful tool you have against them without hiring an attorney.
    Now that you have a 25% wage garnishment in place…and other creditors are following suit, then filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy might be your best option. Consult with a local BK attorney. Most have free consultations. Good luck.


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