Tag Archive | "app"

Victoria’s Secret Pink Nation App?

So i got the PINK Nation app from the android market and so far i have everything except “very revealing”.. I know to get it you have to scratch off an offer 3 times and I’ve scratched off like 368447532678 of them and still haven’t gotten it!!!! Why!!!!

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Who Built The Sites Shoedazzle And Birchbox?

I am interested to see who built out the sites for Shoedazzle and Birchbox. I am looking to start my own subscription membership for men like manpacks but for other niches. The part that I am interested in is the style selection app that runs, and how that translates or identifies style preference.

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How To Make My App Known?

OK lets say I develop a really great game! Please don’t leave comments like “it’s really hard to develop apps like that”, I already know that… Anyways if it has the potential to become a number one app, will it just rise to the top on its own, or is there any secrets to help my gaming app become popular? P.S. I want to release my app on the android market and the app store. Thanks!

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What Does *rubs Forehead Twice* Mean? Abh ( Android Brotherhood)?

I know there is a group of yound people who feel conected because they have android phones. They are supposed to hate iphones, and have a secret rule #1 about not talking about the brotherhood. I found them on the app funny jokes from the android market. The whole rubbing of the forehead confuses me though. Is it a signal? What does it mean? Or is it just a way of identifing members? Also I wonder how many members there are?

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!!!!!!to Mothers And Women I Have A Very Important Question!!!!!!?

Hello! First I would like to say I’m a 13 almost 14 year old girl. An I need help with something.. a few years ago my father started sleeping on the couch and aconally sleep with my mother. At first I though it was no big deal. Well I found out his little secret.. he watches porn its like he is obsessed with it he even had an app on his phone called lovely laninas. Just a few months ago I was looking through his phone when I went to the market app then serch it saw it… were he typed in married but looking and hot single 40 and up chat room and this one discused me sooo much I’m not putting it up here I don’t know if he’s figured it out yet. I’ve started noticing he makes dirty comments about women he sees at the mall the worst part it my mom hears him. He still doesn’t sleep with my mom only we go on vacation. He also has porn books I wasn’t searching for those but I went to go get a towel to bathe my dog but when I pulled it out all his book fell down with the towels……. I don’t know wat to do I’m sooo sad :'(….. plss don’t tell me I shouldn’t be doing that I know I’m now and don’t say I’m to young to know what porn its but I go to a really bad school.. I came here for a answer so pls answer it!!!

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Tancet Counselling 2011?

I download mba counselling app. From au official website, s tat app. S for au affiliated col r only for anna univ. Alone , whr can i get au affiliated col. Counselling app. Pls give me links n sources

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