Tag Archive | "Power"

Are “movie Cops” Actual Police Men?

I don’t know because I think they would be those rented cops, but they have guns. Are they just rented cops with licenses to carry guns? Do they have any arresting power, and are they affiliated with the government?

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What Is The Future Of Usa As A World Power? Is It Ready To Accept Communist China’s Might Over Emerging India?

India has a couple of Trillion dollars worth economy and hence a huge market for War Industry of which great USA is the biggest supplier and whose economy thrives on it. How about initiating a war between India and China? Both are hostile and have a territorial dispute already! India is sure to have then at least 50% of US produced ‘Weapons to Kill’, with no concession too. India has a huge Gold Reserve as well, being the biggest consumer of Gold. Even the ‘Fort Knox’ would seem a ‘Piggy Bank’ if India can be stripped off it’s last gold coin. So, if USA want to have humongous Gold reserves as crude oil as a currency valuation benchmark is no more in existent. Already China is emerging and want to be a World Power and world powers are required to do Military Adventures and on the other hand India is much weaker but still with a populace ruled by corrupt people and with huge ‘Gold’. The sheer amount of gold in India is mind boggling it roughly has 100 times more than what the reserves are within the hold of the government and the ‘Reserve Bank’. Recently in a Kerala Temple India, in it’s secret chamber 5 out of six the amount was found stood at $ 23 Billion most of it being in Gold and Diamonds. Indians in a state of war would give and empty their gold deposits at willingly to carry on the conflict too! So, this should be a great profitable game for US, if it can do so. Dollar would be much more stronger than ever before if it can make this happen!

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What Is The Future Of Usa As A World Power? Is It Ready To Accept Communist China’s Might Over Emerging India?

India has a couple of Trillion dollars worth economy and hence a huge market for War Industry of which great USA is the biggest supplier and whose economy thrives on it. How about initiating a war between India and China? Both are hostile and have a territorial dispute already! India is sure to have then at least 50% of US produced ‘Weapons to Kill’, with no concession too. India has a huge Gold Reserve as well, being the biggest consumer of Gold. Even the ‘Fort Knox’ would seem a ‘Piggy Bank’ if India can be stripped off it’s last gold coin. So, if USA want to have humongous Gold reserves as crude oil as a currency valuation benchmark is no more in existent. Already China is emerging and want to be a World Power and world powers are required to do Military Adventures and on the other hand India is much weaker but still with a populace ruled by corrupt people and with huge ‘Gold’. The sheer amount of gold in India is mind boggling it roughly has 100 times more than what the reserves are within the hold of the government and the ‘Reserve Bank’. Recently in a Kerala Temple India, in it’s secret chamber 5 out of six the amount was found stood at $ 23 Billion most of it being in Gold and Diamonds. Indians in a state of war would give and empty their gold deposits at willingly to carry on the conflict too! So, this should be a great profitable game for US, if it can do so. Dollar would be much more stronger than ever before if it can make this happen!

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What Is The Future Of Usa As A World Power? Is It Ready To Accept Communist China’s Might Over Emerging India?

India has a couple of Trillion dollars worth economy and hence a huge market for War Industry of which great USA is the biggest supplier and whose economy thrives on it. How about initiating a war between India and China? Both are hostile and have a territorial dispute already! India is sure to have then at least 50% of US produced ‘Weapons to Kill’, with no concession too. India has a huge Gold Reserve as well, being the biggest consumer of Gold. Even the ‘Fort Knox’ would seem a ‘Piggy Bank’ if India can be stripped off it’s last gold coin. So, if USA want to have humongous Gold reserves as crude oil as a currency valuation benchmark is no more in existent. Already China is emerging and want to be a World Power and world powers are required to do Military Adventures and on the other hand India is much weaker but still with a populace ruled by corrupt people and with huge ‘Gold’. The sheer amount of gold in India is mind boggling it roughly has 100 times more than what the reserves are within the hold of the government and the ‘Reserve Bank’. Recently in a Kerala Temple India, in it’s secret chamber 5 out of six the amount was found stood at $ 23 Billion most of it being in Gold and Diamonds. Indians in a state of war would give and empty their gold deposits at willingly to carry on the conflict too! So, this should be a great profitable game for US, if it can do so. Dollar would be much more stronger than ever before if it can make this happen!

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What Is The Future Of Usa As A World Power? Is It Ready To Accept Communist China’s Might Over Emerging India?

India has a couple of Trillion dollars worth economy and hence a huge market for War Industry of which great USA is the biggest supplier and whose economy thrives on it. How about initiating a war between India and China? Both are hostile and have a territorial dispute already! India is sure to have then at least 50% of US produced ‘Weapons to Kill’, with no concession too. India has a huge Gold Reserve as well, being the biggest consumer of Gold. Even the ‘Fort Knox’ would seem a ‘Piggy Bank’ if India can be stripped off it’s last gold coin. So, if USA want to have humongous Gold reserves as crude oil as a currency valuation benchmark is no more in existent. Already China is emerging and want to be a World Power and world powers are required to do Military Adventures and on the other hand India is much weaker but still with a populace ruled by corrupt people and with huge ‘Gold’. The sheer amount of gold in India is mind boggling it roughly has 100 times more than what the reserves are within the hold of the government and the ‘Reserve Bank’. Recently in a Kerala Temple India, in it’s secret chamber 5 out of six the amount was found stood at $ 23 Billion most of it being in Gold and Diamonds. Indians in a state of war would give and empty their gold deposits at willingly to carry on the conflict too! So, this should be a great profitable game for US, if it can do so. Dollar would be much more stronger than ever before if it can make this happen!

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Were You Aware That The Teacher’s Union Admits That Students Are Secondary, Power Is The Goal?

Bob Channin, the NEA’s top lawyer said in his retirement speech:
“Despite what some among us would like to believe it is not because of our creative ideas. It is not because of the merit of our positions. It is not because we care about children and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power.”
“And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues each year, because they believe that we are the unions that can most effectively represent them, the unions that can protect their rights and advance their interests as education employees.”
“This is not to say that the concern of NEA and its affiliates with closing achievement gaps, reducing dropout rates, improving teacher quality and the like are unimportant or inappropriate. To the contrary. These are the goals that guide the work we do. But they need not and must not be achieved at the expense of due process, employee rights and collective bargaining. That simply is too high a price to pay.”

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