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Which Saint Do You Think Is The Most Honorable?

I’m choosing a confirmation name, & these are the saints I am considering of honoring. Which do you think is the most honorable? I know that ultimately this is my decision only, but I just want some opinions. I’ll include a little about each of them. Thanks so much!
–Saint Veronica: A woman of Jerusalem who, moved with pity as Jesus carried his cross, gave him her veil that he might wipe his forehead. Jesus accepted the offering and after using it handed it back to her, the image of his face miraculously impressed upon it.
–Saint Bernadette of Lourdes: A miller’s daughter born in Lourdes. From 11 February to 16 July 1858, she reported 18 apparitions of “a small young lady” who asked for a chapel to be built at that site at Lourdes. She dug up the holy spring at Lourdes with her bare hands. Many people visit that site today.
–Saint Rose of Lima: She began to fast three times a week and performed severe penances in secret. When she was admired for her beauty, Rose cut off her hair and disfigured her face with pepper and lye. Her days were filled with acts of charity and industry. Rose helped the sick and hungry around her community. She would bring them to her room and take care of them. Rose sold her fine needlework, grew beautiful flowers, and would take them to market to help her family. Her exquisite lace and embroidery also helped to care for the poor, while her nights were devoted to prayer and penance in a little grotto which she had built. Otherwise, she became a recluse, leaving her room only for her visits to church.
–Saint Lucy/Lucia (which should I use?): Lucy was a Christian during the Diocletian persecution. She consecrated her virginity to God, refused to marry a pagan, and had her dowry distributed to the poor. Lucy’s would-be husband admired her eyes, so she tore them out and gave them to him, saying, “Now let me live to God”.
–Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton: Seton showed the concern for the poor. She helped to organize a group of prominent ladies who would visit the sick poor in their homes to render what aid they could. Later, she opened an academy for young girls. Mother Seton was described as a charming and cultured lady. Her connections to New York society and the accompanying social pressures to leave the new life she had created for herself did not deter her from embracing her religious vocation and charitable mission. She established schools in order to educate young girls to live by religious values.
–Saint Elizabeth (Mary’s cousin/mother of John the Baptist): Elizabeth is revered as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church. She is commemorated as a matriarch in the Calendar of Saints. She was the first to say the Hail Mary.
–Saint Nikola: Nikola Tavelić is a saint of the Catholic Church. This Franciscan missionary, who died a martyr’s death in Jerusalem, was the first Croatian saint. Nikola was among 60 priests from various Franciscan provinces who were called by the Bosnian vicar, motivated by Pope Gregory XI, to work as missionaries in Bosnia. He spread Catholicism around Bosnia for 12 years. In his report to the pope, the Bosnian vicar later said that the missionaries converted around 50,000 Bosnian heretics.
In 1384, Nikola went to Palestine with the Franciscans Deodatus and Peter from Narbonne and Stephen from Cuneo. He stayed in the Mount Zion Monastery in Jerusalem, learning Arabian and visiting holy places. Together with his three friends, he was brought before the qadi of Jerusalem and sentenced to death. All four missionaries were martyred near the Jaffa Gate on November 14, 1391.
–Saint Vincenca: Saint Vincenca is a Christian saint, who lived in the 3rd century in Rome. As a young girl, she was tortured and then executed for her Christian beliefs, dying before the age of 17. She was later made a Christian martyred saint. She is Croatian.
I am Croatian, so that’s where Nikola & Vincenca came from. I’m not sure that I would use those, though. So, which is the best in your opinion?
BQ: Would it be stupid if I used Joseph or Jude, since I am a girl? Am I even allowed to do that? Because Joseph is my favorite biblical character & Jude is up there as well.
Thanks! ♥

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Please Read This Excerpt From The First Chapter Of The Book I’m Writing?

This is from my fantasy/adventure book: The Tree of Light. All comments, tips and ideas for names or the title, are welcome. Thanks in advance!
Inside the cave, it was darker than any dark Avniel had ever seen. Being an outlaw who had a price on his head, Avniel had hidden in some pretty strange and dark places before. This place, however, was different from any other, and that wasn’t a good thing. Soon the pack of bounty hunters would pass, and he would leave.
Avniel was on his way to Astasia, a nearby city full of secrets which was guarded by the most fool-proof system anywhere: a tree. This tree, however, was no ordinary tree. All the legends claimed that it had been fashioned from pure moon-beams and golden sunlight. It was called the Tree of Light and it kept all evil away from Astasia’s gates.
Avniel chanced a look out of the mouth of the cave, and peered into the darkness. When his eyes adjusted he saw about four or five men on horseback who had cruel, hard faces and nasty looking swords and knives strapped onto their backs. They were talking and joking loudly among themselves. As Avniel’s keen eyes regarded the men, one man, he seemed to be the leader, began shouting at the rest of them. His face stayed obscured in the shadows, but his voice was dark and raspy.
“Hurry up you fools. We need to get going.” Avniel started suddenly. He had heard that voice before.
Right on cue, the raspy voiced man stepped out of the shadows and into a patch of moon light. He was a thin, rough looking man, with long grey streaked hair, beetle-black eyes and an evil, crooked smile on his unshaven face. Avniel gasped and sank back into the shadows of the cave, flattening himself against the wall, staying stock still.
“No”, he hissed under his breath.
“He can’t be here. All the way from Argon, he can’t be that desperate. Why would Daniel Salzar come all this way just for me?” Breathing deeply, Avniel peered around the edge of the cave once more. Salzar was looking away, but Avniel still knew that it was him, just from the greasy black hair hanging past his shoulders and the stooped, lazy way in which he walked and rode. Daniel Salzar would do anything to get hold of Avniel and bring him to Argon, dead or alive. However, Avniel had out-witted Salzar many too many times now, and Salzar’s grudge against the outlaw was getting more and more personal.
Suddenly, Salzar turned, and his deathly black eyes seemed to lock with Avniel’s. Avniel jolted backwards with fright and hit a rock. The walls and ceiling of the cave spun around him as whispered, hissing words seemed to fill his mind,
“The tree, I want the tree.” Then, everything went black.
On the same day of Avniel’s misadventure in the cave, a traveler named Barrett walked through the gates of Astasia. It was a market day; the bustling hordes of villagers gave this away. Barrett sighed wearily; he would get something to eat before he tried to do the business that he came here for.
A plump lady with fiery red hair noticed the tall stranger before he saw her. He was thin and had curly dark brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes. He looked intelligent, and his eyes sparkled mischievously. Any other woman would have thought him handsome, but Aaliyah Reevin wasn’t thinking about looks at all when she spotted him. Now he had noticed her and was coming over. Quickly, Aaliyah threw her shawl around her face, and held it tightly there, so only her hard, grey eyes showed. The man, it was Barrett Hale, she knew it, peered at her curiously as if he had seen her before. Then, shaking his head, he walked off into the merry crowd, leaving a bewildered and angry Aaliyah behind him.
Barrett shook his head. He was sure that he’d seen her, but why would she be here? That woman that he’d passed had the same cruel grey eyes, the same countenance, as Aaliyah Reevin. He thought that he even saw a wisp of wiry orange hair, but, it just didn’t make sense. Barrett shook his curly head once more and stalked off towards the castle.

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Problm With WordPress Site?

Hello dear,
i have a wordpress site for affiliate i am creating it in my won. i am very few knowledge about it.
there is a problem with Category page http://yealee.com/?cat=22. here my site bar become down.
only Category page face this problm.
PLZ help me.

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Is This A Good Personal Statement For College Apps?

From the moment you walk down the halls on your first day, it begins. The pressure consumes you, swallows you. Immediately it’s all about making friends, fitting in, and finding your niche. Already cliché cliques are forming: the jocks, the snobs, the mathletes, the stoners, and the notorious couch potatoes. One must define his or herself or face being defined by others. We categorize ourselves into one of these and conform to what society expects. Fearful of rejection, we stay comfortably within these expectations and boundaries. It usually goes a little like this: if you are a member of Assiteens Charity League your freshman year you are deemed a goodie-two-shoes, if you start on the varsity soccer team your sophomore year you are thought of as a jock, if you still go to church every Sunday by junior year you are a bible banger, if you actually do homework senior year you are officially a nerd. If I have learned one thing in my 4 years, it is that by allowing yourself to be classified and limited to only one of these clichés you have killed your true self. Conformity only limits your potential, shadows your ability, and narrows your opportunities.
When I came to this realization, I allowed myself to broaden my interests, increase my confidence, and discover my true self. I have defied the pressure, the clichés, and the expectations of others. I am proud to be an athletic, spiritual, and philanthropic nerd.

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Is My Life Epic Enough To Sell To A Book Writer?

My Mom had a afair with her sisters husband. I was a created from the afair. I never knew I was a product of a afair. My mom hates me, and blames me for being born. Because my moms husband is african american, so its very obviouse my mom had a afair. Despite this my mom, and step dad lied to me, and told me I was mixed. I grew up getting into fights with black people telling me Im not black, and me telling them I am. I saw my face as mixed even though I am obviosly white. I have a point European nose, and jewish features. Light brown even blondish hair, and blue eyes.My mom left me and took my brothers and sisters with her when I was 16 teen. She came back a year later and continued hating me. She would have my older brother beat me up, even jump me with other kids. She would buy, or make dinner for all my siblings except me. And she even told me every day I am a retard, and will never be anything. She ment it literally, that I had a mental disability. The guidence counselor at my school tried to tell her I scored the highest on the state math test. And that I should go to college, and asked her to sign a schollarship paper. My mom told the guidence counselor im a little retart , and I am not going to college. She then(my mom) told me to get a job at a factory.She planned to make me un marriable and have me forever tucked away in her basement hiding the secret. But I was handsome girls would call the house, guidence counselors were knocking because I was smart. So to solve her problem she kicked me out the house, and had me disowned from the whole famly cuzins, and all. She told them I was a bad terrible son. I stayed in agroup home, and still finished my senior year of high school. the group home had a step program to get those kids working a apartment. I found a job quickly, and was going to get the apartment. Until my mom called the week before knowing said she wants me to come home. My mom and dad had been seperated for the 2 months I was gone. The day I came back my step Dad sucker punched me in the mouth my mom told the police it was my fault and they locked me up. I spent three days in jail till my cuzin bailed me out. My Dad droped the fake charges because it was bringing my Mom un wanted attention. Then I finally figured out why my mom was doing this, and that I was a product of a afair. I acidently bumped into my uncle, that I was never aloud to see, or be at the same famly get togethers as. He had my face, even my weird hands. My ant told me that the afair happend when they had a 1year old sone and a 2 yearold son, and when. that placed the afair at nine months before I was born.I eventually made into NYU( a good school). I teach kids who go through abuse like me. And I even act or try to be a star.I was on one collegehumor sketh , and had one speaking under 5 in a movie.I actually even landed a lead in a NBC pilot that was cancled. Sorry Im babbling. But really what do you think? Is this worthy of a novel? theres other small stories in my life that go with my story. Like the time I caused a huge union strike at a supermarket I worked at for discriminating agianst me. I won and the racist super market was forced to finaly hire minoritys from the section 8 housing project across the street.I came from little rochester new york to big NYC by myself.I put on a whole theater show before with a simple marketting plan and fufilled my first dream of doing sketch comedy. My first modeling gig the guy wiped out his meat and put porn on , and said I need you to be more sexy. I ran away! My x threw a brick at my friend because she was jealouse. And made me loose my voice before my first audition because swhe was so jealose/insecure (it was a sex scene). My baby sister would always talk to me, and play with me. I decided I could never see her again when my mom slammed her head into the wall for talking to me. She was hysterical when that happened, and hysterical when I told her at 5 I wasnt going to be able to see her for a long time. I had asmthma so my mom washed all the room walls in clorox. I started to turn blue(my lips) so she put me in a beach chair sitting up. And told me I dont want to pay for a ambulance we cant aford it. And the car doesent run well. My aunt busted in and drove me to the hospital the 1o minute ride. The doctor looks at my mom and tells her I only had 10 or 15 minutes to live.I think this could be a book, but maybe theres plenty of stories like that already?so what do you think?novelist will take it?

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Christians, Is The Earth 6000, Or 6 Billion Years Old…based On The Bible?

My answer is …yes (one or the other) what is yours based on the information below.
Okay God most certiainly could created the world 6000 years ago. God can do anything. If He created it 6000 years ago, He would have by need have created it old. Because a new planet would not be hospitible to life. It would have to be CREATED Old. with fossils in place, erosion in place. the light we see from other stars would have been created in place 6000 years ago streaming into us at speed. So universe could most certainly be only 6000 years old. This is not beyond God’s ability to be sure.
It could be 6 Billion ( or 4.5 or whatever the number du jour is)
Genesis 1:2 allows for an old earth that was restarted new.
2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was[a] on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
That word was, is actually not there in the original Hebrew, it a preposition that is implied by the tense used in the noun . In the some places in Genesis that same tense implication is translated as became so you could have:
And the earth WAS – BECAME without form and void
Implying that at the time of the narrative the earth was without form and void because it became that way….God in essence cooked the world for a few billion years getting it ready for man, and then wiped it out and started over. This would also explain all the gaps in the fossil records
Either way it was created, with an purpose and design. It did not blow out of an unexplained ball of mass, that magically spun in circles, that magically glomed together in stars which then fused the base hydrogen into every other element which then blew up again spewing this inorganic elements into space which again glomed together this times to form planets, in which these elements magically glomed together to form materials such as water and carbon dioxide, which formed in a puddle of in organic primordial ooze from which magically sprang (abiogenesis) a life for that survived to mutate into increasingingly more complex creatures for no apparent reason and no apparent environmental pressure to do so, surviving magically to form every kind of beast until one day its Pinnacle ..man was formed…who btw fills no ecological niche, has no enivromental function except to predate on all other enivornments and eco-systems….i think that is a fairy tale we can dismiss out of hand
So Christians what do you think? 6000 or 6 Billion?
Personally I am good with either.

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