Tag Archive | "Everyone"

Why Does Everyone Have Such A Negative Attitude Towards Internet Marketing?

When I talk to people about trying out internet marketing, talk to my dad about HOW MUCH BETTER it would be than FLIPPING BURGERS, people think I’m deceived, that I will fall for a scam.
Yet, most affiliate networks are not scams and they do pay. Yes there’s people making money online.
And guess what the general public’s attitude towards THEM is? Internet marketers are “scammers too lazy to get a real job”.

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I Hate To Be Gorgeous Sometimes?

So I’m a 17 year old Turkish girl and it’s just that I get so many random compliments on the streets, markets etc. And not only boys, even old women and old men! Just coming up to me and telling me that my legs are beautiful I am beautiful or ask me where I am from… Even one said that I look like a Victoria’s Secret model! Everyone’s staring at me when I come into a place… What to do??

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Is This A Realistic Timetable For Harold Camping’s Followers May 21 2011?

Let’s start at 5:00pm, an hour before the 2nd Coming of Christ and the Judgment of All Mankind is scheduled to occur, according to his brilliant numerology:
5:00pm = Everyone gets into their Sunday Best and goes to Chur- um…I mean, random parking lots and community centers all over the world to dance around singing “Hallelujah.Hallelujah.”
5:30pm = Last meal before the Rapture, funds are kind of tight so everyone will have to settle for Franks and Beans in the western hemisphere and just beans everywhere else. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s a juicy Thanksgiving Turkey, like the Israelites ate of the Mannah!” Camping will say.
5:59pm : Arms raised, hands joined with white knuckles, lots of crying and speaking in tongues…aaaaaaaaannnndddd…
6:05pm: ….arms getting tired… lots of people sneaking peeks at their wristwatches and pre paid cell phones …
6:20pm : Someone turns on the radio and flips through stations, listening for emergency reports of massive natural disasters….. nothing….. nothing… BBC football.. nothing… weather reports… top 40…nothing….
7:00pm : Evening News van crew outside the parking lot has went from snickering to belly laughing at the crowd , who is now milling around and thinning out.
8:50pm: Word is out that Harold Camping has been found dead in his broadcasting booth, dead from self inflicted gunshot wound into the brainstem. Around him are shredded pages of his personal bible , and scrawled on the glass of the booth in cupcake frosting are the words “DAMMIT I WAS SO SURE THIS TIME.”
10:00pm Camping’s family announces that an empty pile of clothes were found in Camping’s booth, and that they were closing the radio ministry and changing it to a Top 40 station affiliate, in order to pay off massive debts Camping accumulated these last few months.
12:00 AM 5/22/2011 : News reports start trickling in around the world of mass suicides of Campings followers, mostly overseas.
10AM 5/22/2011: Churches around the world have Sunday Service as usual, throwing in a quick word about “It does indeed say in the bible in several places that nobody knows when the end will come, just look at THAT idiot…” and life goes on.
The End.
What do you think?

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Is This A Realistic Timetable For Harold Camping’s Followers May 21 2011?

Let’s start at 5:00pm, an hour before the 2nd Coming of Christ and the Judgment of All Mankind is scheduled to occur, according to his brilliant numerology:
5:00pm = Everyone gets into their Sunday Best and goes to Chur- um…I mean, random parking lots and community centers all over the world to dance around singing “Hallelujah.Hallelujah.”
5:30pm = Last meal before the Rapture, funds are kind of tight so everyone will have to settle for Franks and Beans in the western hemisphere and just beans everywhere else. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s a juicy Thanksgiving Turkey, like the Israelites ate of the Mannah!” Camping will say.
5:59pm : Arms raised, hands joined with white knuckles, lots of crying and speaking in tongues…aaaaaaaaannnndddd…
6:05pm: ….arms getting tired… lots of people sneaking peeks at their wristwatches and pre paid cell phones …
6:20pm : Someone turns on the radio and flips through stations, listening for emergency reports of massive natural disasters….. nothing….. nothing… BBC football.. nothing… weather reports… top 40…nothing….
7:00pm : Evening News van crew outside the parking lot has went from snickering to belly laughing at the crowd , who is now milling around and thinning out.
8:50pm: Word is out that Harold Camping has been found dead in his broadcasting booth, dead from self inflicted gunshot wound into the brainstem. Around him are shredded pages of his personal bible , and scrawled on the glass of the booth in cupcake frosting are the words “DAMMIT I WAS SO SURE THIS TIME.”
10:00pm Camping’s family announces that an empty pile of clothes were found in Camping’s booth, and that they were closing the radio ministry and changing it to a Top 40 station affiliate, in order to pay off massive debts Camping accumulated these last few months.
12:00 AM 5/22/2011 : News reports start trickling in around the world of mass suicides of Campings followers, mostly overseas.
10AM 5/22/2011: Churches around the world have Sunday Service as usual, throwing in a quick word about “It does indeed say in the bible in several places that nobody knows when the end will come, just look at THAT idiot…” and life goes on.
The End.
What do you think?

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Where Are All The Niches In Metropolitan Areas?

Goths, emos, juggalos, scene kids… Living in New York City, you never see these people around. Never saw these in San Francisco, either. Everyone is “normal.”
Is it only kids who live in rural and suburban areas who fall into these stereotypes/groups/niches? Nothing better to do? Not as many people around to point and laugh and criticize?

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How Do I Back Up Phpbb Forum Posts/accounts?

I want to re-install PHPbb when I switch new web hosts, but I had several problems with the forums first off. I would like to make a record that this is PHPbb3 and it’s the most recent version available.
The problems lie with the spam-bots initially. They keep on coming and I had to keep banning them… and of course, that doesn’t help too much as more keep coming. So, I tried turning on “activation by e-mail”. Instead, it prevents EVERYONE from registering their accounts because it’s not sending any e-mails.
Next, I tried using the pre-installed reCAPTCHA that was included in my PHPbb download. Guess what? It doesn’t stop the bots. I was wondering if the reCAPTCHA was outdated or something and if I need to re-install it. And that is another problem: I have no idea how to re-install reCAPTCHA just to double-check if that has something to do with bots bypassing it.
Next, some of the registered users cannot log into the forums for some reason and instead they receive a message saying they exceeded the maximum number of tries. When they entered in the CAPTCHA to log in… Socket Error.
I want a specific set of forums where Guests may advertise their sites or make affiliating requests. I set those forums’ permissions so Guests should be able to post. Guess what happens when they tried posting? Socket Error.
So I feel like giving up and just re-install the forums when changing hosts. However, I want to keep the accounts and the posts intact but not the settings. Can anyone give me some support on any of these issues? Thanks.
P.S. Here is the link to the forums if you want to see the problems for yourself:http://pkmnstray.com/

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