Tag Archive | "connection"

Snes Has Strange Color Distortion?

I turned on my Super Nintendo for the first time (got it used at a flea-market a while back but only just got a power adapter) and it has large bars that scroll down the screen distorting the color either green or red. I tried it with both Street Fighter 2 and Secret of Evermore with the same result. I have cleaned the cartridge, the connection, checked the video connection (I’m actually using an adapter designed for N64 and Gamecube. idk if that would cause this.) I tried to Google the problem but all I came up with was stuff about emulators.

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Any Literary Agents In Minnesota Or Iowa?

I recently wrote a how-to book that has a niche market – but quite a large niche market – that is untapped. I grew up in Minnesota and am currently living in Iowa, and am looking for someone willing to take this project on – but with the resources I’ve looked at I am having trouble finding a literary agent that will take on my book. I appreciate any help anybody can offer me! I am not sure if I am being naive in thinking it will help, but I feel having a “midwest connection” with a literary agent and/or publisher could/would help my cause. Thanks!

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Need Help Accessing Database In Visual Basic?

heres my code
I know Manual_Ordeing is spelled wrong
Public Class Manual_Ordeing
Public Sub DisplayNames()
Dim connection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim datareader As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader
Dim command As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim ConnectionString As String
Dim SQLString As String
Dim outputString As String
ConnectionString = “Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data ”
ConnectionString += “Source=” & Application.StartupPath & “\User.accdb”
connection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(Connec…
Me.Text = Application.StartupPath
SQLString = “SELECT EquipmentTypeID,Description,Brand,Catego… Catalogue Code,Rental Cost per Day,Quantity of items,Quantity On Hire FROM ManualOrder ”
SQLString += “Order by Description ”
If ConnectionState.Open.ToString = “Open” Then
command = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQLString… connection)
datareader = Command.ExecuteReader()
If datareader.HasRows Then
While datareader.Read
If Not IsDBNull(datareader.Item(“Description”)) Then
outputString = datareader.Item(“EquipmentTypeID”).ToStr… & ” ”
outputString += datareader.Item(“Description”).ToString
‘outputString = outputString.PadRight(22)
outputString += datareader.Item(“Brand”).ToString.Substr… 10)
End If
End While
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show(“Error accessing database”)
End Try
OutputListBox.Items.Add(” “)
OutputlistBox.Items.Add(“Count: & OutputListBox.Items.Count -1”)
End Sub
Private Sub ReadListButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ReadListButton.Click
End Sub
End Class
Thing is its just telling me i cant access the god damn database when the database is in the correct folder and I have the path to find the god damn database its wreckin my head

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Uc Personal Statement Prompt #1?

Can I have some revisions and feedback please? Thanks.
Describe the world you come from – for example, your family, community or school – and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.
Seeing the suffering of a family member and the impact it has on your family is one of the most unimaginable horrors that a person has to face. It is not a terminal or unexpected death that I was forced to confront, but the reality of my uncle’s depression and what it was doing to my grandparents. My unfortunate realization of how a mental disorder can be so piercing to the stability of family gave me inspiration to understand the way the mind and body work.
When I was a child, I overheard my grandparents telling my parents that my uncle was suffering from depression and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I was too young at the time to register what those words meant, but after years of observation I began to comprehend how badly it was affecting my family. My uncle was unable to support himself because of his reclusiveness and withdrawal from human interaction. My grandparents, being the extraordinary parents that they are, gave him full support and have been ceaselessly financially aiding him since. The turmoil it has caused has been devastating, but has exponentially amplified my interest in the physiological cognition of the brain.
The abstruseness of the brain has given me an endless interest of the topic that is most studied by the top neurologists in the world. The localization of mental disorders and illnesses are unknown, and there are no known cures to rid a person of all cranial afflictions. However, with an influx of people with a great curiosity for the brain, then we can solve the greatest enigma of all time. If I were to learn the studies that have baffled scientists for ages, then maybe I could make a difference in society and help alleviate the stress that my grandparents have been forced to endure for years. It is not fair that they have to suffer because of genetic mutations and anomalies that have created OCD and depression. They deserve better, and I want to help them achieve a stress-free environment, devoid of worry and financial troubles.
The pain and anguish that I see etched on my grandparent’s faces is enough to make me want to help my uncle in order to help them. By finding a viable treatment or cure for the mental illnesses, then I would be able to help not only my family, but every person that has to go through the same suffering that my family has gone through. By having a personal connection to a loved one that suffers from OCD and depression, I can understand what others are going through. This personal connection has instilled in me a passion so great to treat or cure these ailments that I will not rest until something is done. I have found my niche in this world, and I intend to do good because I owe it to my family and everything they have gone through.

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Do I Need A Router To Connect To The Internet?

How does establishing an internet connection usually work, not just in the U.S. but around the world?
I’m currently studying in China, in the previous year, I was able to simply connect a cable from the internet port in the wall to my laptop. After that I would have to enter an account name and password, PPPOE.
Which makes me wonder about what a router actually does. The place I’m currently living in has just been built, the major internet line hasn’t been set up yet. I’m curious as to how I would go about setting up the connection.
Previously it seemed I had to buy these cards w/ the account name and pass from specialty stores, the cards were affiliated with the school. As the “dorm” i’m currently living in has no affiliation with the school it seems I have to go register something…not too sure on the details.
So, what does a router? Would I need one? Where does that “internet port” in the wall actually lead o.0?

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