Tag Archive | "Birthday"

Is This Lens What I Need?

I’ve been drooling over this lens for a while, and my dad said he’d buy it for me for birthday/Christmas.. but I don’t know.. My dads always tight on money and A. I don’t know if I want him spending that much for me even though he’s willing, B. I don’t want to get such an expensive lens only to be disappointed, and C. I don’t know if that lens is what I need to improve my photography, I don’t KNOW what I need to improve… I’m not sure what my photography niche is yet, but I think I want to get into photojournalism and I was told the F2.8 would help.
If you want to take a look at what I shoot to see how I could improve check out www.jdipierro.co.nr or www.jdipierro.deviantart.com (I put a lot more on Deviantart to get feedback, .co.nr is my portfolio for potential clients)

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Birthday Present Spizikes Grape!?

ok so my friend’s birthday is in less than a week, and she really wanted some spizikes but the ones she wanted were like sold out. Is there anyway i can get it for her somewhere or like on some site? Her shoe size is 5.5 in guys/youth and 7 in women’s. Thanks.

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