Tag Archive | "Variation"

Is Evolution A Contrivance?

Meaning, does evolution occur with a purpose? I understand that there is no true purpose as to why evolution takes place, but, to my knowledge, it can be labeled as a process. For example, the panda bear with the “thumb” (a.k.a. the sesamoid bone). Would the panda acquire that trait that would cause the bone to evolve if he had not migrated away from his original niche? The environment does stem to the members of the species adapting some physical traits, but their offspring will not automatically be born with those traits. Thus, what I am essentially asking is does evolution occur for a reason? Does variation play a significant role since without variation, all species members of a species would be the same and if they were all identical and they shared traits selected for, then that would cause that group of species to disappear? Therefore, evolution occurs to prevent extinction? Am I right? I know this is kind of confusing, but some please, please help me!!

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How To Get Cheap Car Insurance?

Hi guys, i really need your a good and effectivr advice about this, please if you know something that would help post it here!
Im 20 year old, have a car Peugeot 206 1.1 litre – cheap market value (£1000ish). I live in London. Since 17 years old im looking for insurance – unsuccessfully. The best quote i get is 4000ish. I have no criminal record, no accidents no claims – nothing! And im fed up with so many people driving at my age and I cant- i just dont understand why exactly mine is so bloody expensive! Ive tried every variation just to see what im missing – pass plus for example only helps to the extent of £100. Its just crazy – 3 years and i still cant drive – what the hell is wrong with this – home come everyone is showing off by how cheap insurance they have and i cant get anything? Whats the secret?
Ive tried every combination – me as the main driver/named driver/owner/just user etc. cheapest is £4,000!! Whats wrong with me? Anybody knows whats the trick, how to solve this issue?

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Evolution Question (need Experts)?

I’m reading the beak of the finch and I just got done reading it. There’s a quote that says…
“Chimpanzees in the last day of the African rain forests are teaching their children how to crack nuts with stones. They are taking the kinds of halting,modest steps that might, if favored, if selected for many generations, carry them on a path toward something like our niche. Watching them, human observers notice striking variations in intelligence from individual to individual. Where there is genetic variation, there is room for selection and evolution. Probably in every line of primates there are a few, like Imo on her island, who could lead their kind in our direction. But at the moment of course that path is blocked. The thinking niche is taken, at least for the moment.”
I don’t understand what the few lines mean. If anyone knows, please tell me what it means esp the the thinking niche is taken…

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True Or False And Multiple Choice Question Biology?

1-a change in climate may bring about the development of new species
2-plant compete for space
3-termites and the protist that live inside them depend on each other
4-parasitic relationships are harmful to a host
5-food chains hold materials together in a community
Questions I don’t understand that are multiple choice not true or false!!!
1-Albino (white haired)deer that are born in Forest surrounding will probably? a)survive better b)reproduce c)be eaten d)adapt
2-a trait that makes an individual different from others in its species is?a)a variation b)competition c)an adaptation d)selection
3-a mutation is helpful depending on whether it makes the living things? A)larger b)better adapted c)smaller d)another color
4-animals that are most fit for their surroundings usually?a)are killed b)survive c)do not reproduce d)kill other animals
5-a mutation is a change in the______ of an organism.a)color b)DNA code c)environment d)birthrate
6-one kind of evidence that life existed in the past is a? A)mutation b)fossil c)variation d)selection
7-the second link In a food chain could be?a)dog b)cow c)tree d) fox
8-an example of a community would be a?a)pond or lake b)rock c)forest d)both a and c
9-the food of a predator is its_____?a)nutrients b)habitat c)niche d)prey

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Can You Answer The Following Questions? What Is A Monkey Niche, Ecosystem, Variation, Importance & Adaptation?

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Can You Answer The Following Questions? What Is A Monkey Niche, Ecosystem, Variation, Importance & Adaptation?

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